Example sentences of "your [noun] [coord] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it may , may fit your values and it may have lots of possibilities but what are actually gon na be doing and will you actually be capable of it or , or enjoy it or whatever .
2 She 's your sister and it would give you a break .
3 It wo n't take over your teaching and it wo n't do your students ' learning for them .
4 It wo n't cut your premiums but it may cut the risk of theft .
5 Anna , close your mouth or it will be filled with dust from the road ! ’
6 To conduct it is a devastating experience : it takes up all your mind and it will take you two or three days to recover from it .
7 They tell you , make up your mind or it will be too late , but if it 's really too late , we should be grateful .
8 It was rather like a large belt ; you could probably fasten it about your waist and it would sit snugly over your hips .
9 Give it a proper share of your attention and it will certainly repay you .
10 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
11 That wo n't do me any harm , for my position is assured ; but you are just beginning your career and it will help you a great deal .
12 I can fix your promotion but it will take time . ’
13 The Program Manager will organise your programs and it may also be used to organise graphics and document files linked to program files .
14 For example you could have just one Troll in your army and it will count as a unit on its own .
15 ‘ Send me your bill and it will be paid in full . ’
16 Now , I 'll have to talk to your mums but it may well be that I sha n't be here in a fortnight 's time so we may
17 Er there 's a book , which I do n't think is on your list but it might be called By Thorn and Henley er which might be worth looking at .
18 I hate to interrupt your holiday but it would really be most helpful if you could . ’
19 Chemicals will affect your filter and it would be unwise to subject the fish to poor water quality .
20 If you take photographs as a hobby , you are likely to have produced at least one quality snap in your time and it might just be that a magazine would find it useful .
21 I mean you could have a whole new roof put on your house and it would cost about six thousand , seven thousand pounds and
22 Charlotte you come and your dinner or it 'll get cold .
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