Example sentences of "than [pron] [be] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The degree of laterilisation between different tasks was compared in order to see if there was a greater right field advantage , for example , for words than there is for trigrams .
2 After all there is greater Scriptural justification for such ritual than there is for infant baptism .
3 The positive and negative externalities which have been identified thus far are likely to be rather different for research activities ( i.e. those concerned with the production of new information ) than they are for development activities ( i.e. those concerned with embodying new information into particular products ) , and they may change systematically over the life of any given collaborative programme .
4 The feelings are no less intense for inspectors and headteachers than they are for students and teachers in their first appointment .
5 So one reason why many women are less easily aroused in the morning may well be because social factors are more important for them than they are for men .
6 Though it 's no more in character for her to do it than it is for Alex .
7 This is more of an illusion than it is for Britain because there is even less semblance in the US of centralised , national government .
8 Therefore it is no more satisfactory for Muslims or anyone else to have a syllabus which does not mention Allah anywhere than it is for Jesus , God and the Bible to be omitted .
9 Parents generally worry less about the sexual behaviour of their sons , and teaching boys about sex and contraception is sometimes considered less crucial than it is for girls .
10 Centralized government , Whitehall as the founder of all regulation and one party in perpetual power is an obvious recipe for incompetence , even more than it is for tyranny , although bureaucratic tyranny and arrogant assumptions of having no need to listen do produce threats of tyranny .
11 Not surprisingly therefore , the results of the 1983 survey show that mass unemployment ‘ has created a serious new risk of what can only be regarded as downward social mobility — and that risk is much greater for men in working class positions , by whatever route they come into them , than it is for others ’ ( p. 17 ) .
12 Starting and staying in business is more difficult for certain types of people than it is for others .
13 Is n't it , but you do n't you think that 's more so for females than it is for males , the fact that it is such a dirty thing that , that applies more to females than it does , to males ?
14 Further in relation to females , wastage is considerably more difficult to explain when using student characteristics , than it is for males .
15 erm I find I 'm not sure that any of us can erm cope with what 's going on at the moment in the Gulf without having just ways of distracting ourselves , erm and I think that perhaps might be more of a problem for adults than it is for children , in the sense that erm most of us have access to more information than most children do erm and more information about what death means , and what suffering means , and what pain means , than erm most children who have been brought up in this country .
16 It was no less incongruous for me to live with my mother than it was for Syl to live with his , or Nour with Marie Claire .
17 A man like Richard Hamilton , for instance , who 's now pretty well known in this country , was much better known on the Continent of Europe and in America , in Switzerland , in Germany , in Northern Italy — Milan particularly — much better known there than he was for decades .
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