Example sentences of "than [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The only constraint on attempts to acquire a larger budget is that it would cost more than the total value to the politicians of the service , the value of additional output being zero .
2 Mr Marchant argues that to make sure sponsorship is transparent to viewers , as the new Broadcasting Bill will insist , sponsors should be given far more prominence than the present restrictions to discreet and static front and end credits on programmes .
3 But it is difficult to see how the section 5 restitutionary remedy could be available against anyone other than the other party to the transaction in question or the party to whom , under the transaction in question , the investor 's money or property had been paid or transferred .
4 On occasion , zones will be requested to submit notional breakdowns on their expenditure for the forthcoming year , but such submissions are often no more than the haziest guides to real expenditure .
5 These deep structural problems are cultural and political as well as economic , and will require far more than the odd adjustment to monetary or fiscal policy if we are to begin to solve them .
6 Nothing has been more ominous in the doctrinal shift of the 1980s than the actual hostility to this term which can now be found in Roman teaching .
7 There is no express disqualification from voting in the case of mental patients other than the general reference to ‘ any legal incapacity to vote ’ in s.1(l) ( b ) ( i ) of the 1983 Act but it is generally considered that any person who , at the moment of voting , lacked capacity to understand what he was immediately about to do , whether by reason of mental illness or drunkenness , etc. , could be denied the right to vote by the presiding officer at the poll .
8 So , was the great Reform Bill of 1832 , as some have seen it , no more than the minimal concession to undeniable demand for change ?
9 I 'd like to see the award restructured as a bursary for aspiring talent — though that , too , would have obvious pitfalls — rather than the annual sop to what Ed terms ‘ the interests of publishers , literati or establishment ’ .
10 It is a good illustration of one of the reasons why I withdrew this subsection , in that the cost to the employer in this instance could be much less than the arm's-length cost to the outside person taking advantage of such a service . ’
11 And if Turgenev were to object that one could not find a more typical product of the 1840s than the Petrashevsky Circle to which Dostoevsky belonged , how would the other man reply ?
12 It is in this arena that some of the fiercest intellectual fighting about art is taking place , though the contests range wider than the visual arts to politics and economics .
13 But in 1983–7 the real ( volume ) increase in funds first fell to zero , then fell absolutely , then rose at a rate lower than 1 per cent — that is less than the increasing trend to an ageing population required to sustain standards ( Kings Fund Institute , 1988 ; Owens and Glennerster , 1990 ) .
14 As the Audit Commission said , it will cost considerably more to collect than the net yield to the Treasury .
15 In seeking to define what items are to be included as part of the total charge for credit , s20 emphasises that what matters is the cost to the debtor rather than the net return to the lender ( see Directive 90/88/EEC and also Consumer Credit ( Total Charge for Credit ) Regulations 1980 ( SI 1980 No 51 ) , Pt 2 ( as amended ) ) .
16 The MX-3 , at 166ins long , is more a Volkswagen Corrado rival than the anticipated threat to the Honda CRX .
17 ‘ Derby ’ matches were , consequently , less blood-baths between warring factions than the turbulent prelude to merciless intra- family taunting .
18 Does he agree that if the distribution of Government grant were seen to be fair , local residents would not only be able to assess the performance of local authorities but would begin to see that our new council tax is a far better deal than the uncosted return to the rates — or , even worse , the uncosted local income tax — proposed by the Opposition parties ?
19 The latter is closer than the African elephant to the prehistoric mammoth , which was not , incidentally , as big as most people think .
20 For these reasons , I can see no grounds for giving anything other than the literal meaning to section 6(3) .
21 But modern industrial societies are in some respects in a worse position than the hunter-gatherer societies to which such relatively defective ego and superego development is normal , because they lack any institutional means of correcting the situation at puberty .
22 Her appeal to them was more from the heart than the head , stressing the pain of being black in South Africa more than the broader strategies to be pursued .
23 She points out that at the size S 1 the marginal benefit of the last inch is less than the marginal cost to you , which is also the amount you must be compensated for that last inch on the tree .
24 The biggest change that the end user may find , other than the obvious alterations to the program , is that Letraset are now Adobe 's primary distributor for Europe following McQueen 's decision to move into the manufacturing and acquisition of software rather than its distribution .
25 It is the fear of exclusion rather than the positive desire to be included that is driving these countries to apply for EC membership .
26 He looked greener than the proverbial grass to her .
27 Firstly , it may have been masked by the salt movement effects described above or , secondly , it may be an indication that some of the central areas have undergone less Hercynian uplift than the flanking areas to the north and east .
28 One could hardly find a more severe rebuttal of this convention than the latest contribution to the junior Napoleonic adventure , Jan Needle 's A Fine Boy for Killing .
29 Nor is it any more than the incidental music to a play that captured the composer 's imagination and inspired him to conjure up the ‘ goings on in the Magicked Athenian wood ’ .
30 A comparison of social product per head in the 1950s with that in 1986 ( in current dinars , unadjusted for regional differences in the cost of living ) shows a significant improvement for Montenegro ( from less than 60 per cent of the average to 77 per cent ) and , at the other end of the scale , for Vojvodina ( from less than the Yugoslav average to 21 per cent above it ) .
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