Example sentences of "come within the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 To come within the scope of the law of confidence , the information does not have to be particularly special and , as in the above case , ordinary and mundane information can be the proper subject matter of confidence as long as it is private to the person who has compiled the information , even though others could gather similar information if they took the trouble to do so .
2 Just as it seems strange and unnecessary that the law should have to choose between duress as a complete defence to murder , and duress as no defence at all , so it seems strange and unnecessary that a killing which narrowly fails to come within the requirements of self-defence or other justifiable force should then be classified as murder .
3 ‘ This point can be proved by the constable dealing with the case describing the place sufficiently for it to come within the definition of ‘ street ’ at ( B ) 2 ante .
4 The decision by a court that a particular situation was not intended to come within the ambit of a statute , though within its words in what may be their most obvious meaning , does not deny the supremacy of Parliament , for if Parliament disagrees with the decision it can pass another Act dealing specifically with the type of case .
5 The social taboo placed on discussion of birth control and sexuality , and the acceptance by a majority of middle class women of the idea that they lacked sexual drives — what Judith Walkowitz has called the doctrine of passionlessness — meant that little information was likely to come within the purview of women generally .
6 Would Dr Carrington 's case have come within the provision of the Act , do you know ?
7 The biggest change has come within the ranks of the SDLP where Martin Bradley , Mark Durkan , Kathleen McCloskey , Margaret McCartney and Wilfred White have all been elected for the first time and Pat Ramsey makes a return to the Council chamber having reclaimed the seat he lost in 1989 .
8 It has been made clear from the outset that the Board 's remit extends over some 350 institutions ; in other words , it is concerned not just with the 90 or so establishments substantially engaged in public sector higher education that would have come within the aegis of the Green Paper 's Model B , but with virtually all those which make some provision for higher education .
9 Of course , a large number of such stories on a less personal note come within the ambit of the espionage novel and as such without the ambit of this book .
10 It was to be a good many years before Coniston came within the sphere of operations however .
11 Commentators also made the point that while the Bonn meeting referred to East-West co-operation , effective agreements and trade treaties came within the sphere of activity of the European Communities , which preferred to negotiate with the East European countries individually .
12 On 5 June 1992 Sir Stephen Brown P. found these facts proved , held that they were contempts of court and that M. 's conduct both within the courtroom and on the roof of the court building came within the category of ‘ contempt in the face of the court ’ and , as such , was particularly grave .
13 If you invited him to make one at a dinner-party , you expected him to talk intelligibly ; if he published a volume of poems you expected him to write the sort of thing that the average well-educated man could understand because it came within the orbit of his own experience .
14 She waited breathlessly , pressed closely into a recess in the outer wall , straining her eyes to catch a glimpse of the men as they came within the orbit of the flambeau .
15 Hire purchase was another development of the 1890s , and relatively cheaper consumer durables such as the sewing machine came within the reach of more prosperous working-class families .
16 Cycling was the backbone of the Meet right up to the start of the Fifties , but then , says Alan Wilcox , the motor car came within the reach of the working man and that led to the decline of cycling clubs .
17 His aim was to boost flagging sales , and for the first time during the recession new cars came within the grasp of those who still had some cash .
18 But soon this force also was obliged to retreat and thus came within the grasp of a new figure , General Joseph Galliéni , the recently appointed Military Governor of the French capital and the man who , above all , was to save France from conquest .
19 Finally they seemed to accept me as part of the landscape and came within the range of my camera .
20 At four shillings a copy it came within the purse of most and indeed was judged to be ‘ a manual to the whole kingdom ’ .
21 It did suggest that the principles of confidentiality should be preserved for a period of fifteen years instead of thirty , but that there should be no new machinery for enforcement since offenders would carry the risk of social and political sanctions , and , of course , if they came within the rubric of any existing legal restraint , such as the Official Secrets Act , they would run the risk of legal proceedings .
22 Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone , LC , said that the question was whether a parental veto came within the band of possible reasonable decisions and not whether it was right or mistaken and that there was a band of decisions within which the court should seek to replace the individual 's judgment with his own .
23 We will send a reply to all reasonable written complaints coming within the scope of the scheme within 10 working days of receiving them .
24 The measure was not the subject of a specific UN resolution , although its proponents saw it as coming within the scope of general principles of international humanitarian law , and as providing a safer environment for Western reconnaissance aircraft to monitor Iraqi compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 688 of April 1991 against " repression of the Iraqi civilian population " [ see p. 38127 ] .
25 Section 1(2) of the Patents Act 1977 contains those which can generally be classified as coming within the scope of copyright law or the law of confidence and , in that context , computer programs are of particular interest .
26 Courses coming within the remit of the LEAs ' duty can help people progress to more advanced courses — my hon. Friend made that important point — help them in their jobs and prepare them for various roles , such as good parenthood , or for responsible functions within the wider community .
27 If during repairs , further underlying damage is found , this damage may only be accepted as coming within the cover of the policy if it is directly related to the incident giving rise to the claim .
28 Coming within the context of an ongoing political debate concerning the merits of " affirmative action " or " reverse discrimination " , the decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations and minority pressure groups .
29 A mowing machine coming within the definition of a motor bicycle is exempt .
30 Over a longer period , substances produced in quantities of between 10 and 1000 tpa will be covered , while substances of which less than 10 tpa are produced annually will not come within the scope of the programme for the time being .
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