Example sentences of "come and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His family used to come and stay for a week every year in a cottage across the dale and Martin would come and visit me on a regular basis .
2 Now it seemed to come and go on the wind .
3 I 'll be able to come and go to the mortuary .
4 It seems that , despite the Council , pilgrims continued to come and go to the tomb of St Peter , and this was not irrelevant , for the noise and disturbance prevented many from hearing what was said .
5 The KDPI were able to come and go across the frontier and through the no man 's land between the opposing armies with great freedom .
6 Would she be free to come and go in the Casa Guidi as she liked ?
7 The Safety Management System is a simple to follow 200 page manual , which hopefully will benefit Dounreay for many years to come and contribute to the reduction of accidents on site . ’
8 He used to come and talk with the crew .
9 Er Prof and , used to come and talk to the Guilds and things , er the men 's meeting .
10 ‘ I 'm sorry to disturb you , but could you perhaps spare a little time to come and talk to the Chief Superintendent ? ’
11 And reluctantly MacArthur agreed to come and talk to the president .
12 to come and talk like a child to yourself — no one is listening .
13 If you 'd all like to come and stand in the middle , yes
14 I invite her to come and sit at a table with Kurowski and me , but she prefers to remain on duty at the bar .
15 ‘ In the end we asked them to come and sit at the back of the stage , ’ Miss Picon recalled .
16 the vicar used to come and sit at the back and , you know , they used to do a little turn , you know play in the bands
17 wanted that old , is it , the rag and bone people , you know , rubbish , and er I suppose somebody taught him and er he , he played in that and er you know did the little towns and the vic the vicar used to come and sit at the back , a seat under against , under the window and watch , perhaps he thought he 'd er get some little co
18 Would you like to come and sit out the back with me for a minute ? ’
19 I hate that programme because I like I tend to come and listen to the content of what they 're saying
20 The consultation process usually takes the form of a letter describing the application and inviting you to come and look at a copy of the application and any drawings submitted with it .
21 I want you to come and look at a week-old bull calf .
22 and the police said all I have to do is phone the police and say well he wants to come and look round the property can I have a policeman there cos I do n't want
23 If your father agrees , would you like to come and help with the table like you did last month ? ’
24 And tell Peigi she 's to come and help in the hall .
25 ‘ I 'm going to come and work at the school , ’ said Maisie .
26 It aims to help all married people who want to bring new life and new dimension to their marriage , to come and share in the life of the centre .
27 He also asked Wednesday , who was now Thursday , to come and assist in the workshop .
28 Various other formats have come and gone over the years , but these are the ones which have become established and likely to remain for the foreseeable future .
29 Few people can appreciate Basil 's contribution for none of the present generation started with him in the County , and none of those who have come and gone over the years has ever had the same influence with the teachers for he had a diffidence and a modesty which helped then , a lot .
30 In fairness to the young girls who had come and gone over the years , he had deliberately picked well-stacked , dimwitted types whose only claim to fame was the fact that they were a good lay .
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