Example sentences of "come [conj] [vb infin] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What , when do you want us to come and knock for you ?
2 However , when he invited Beatrice Hastings to come and model for him nude early on in their affair , Modigliani objected and she failed to keep the appointment .
3 After a while the other riders do n't even bother to come and look for you .
4 I half had it in mind to invite you to come and work for me here in Vienna .
5 She recently changed erm , to come and work for me on the Warwickshire area about four weeks ago .
6 ‘ When I dropped you at your villa , I went straight to the hospital and told your father I wanted you to come and work for me . ’
7 I wanted to encourage street crazies and the like to come and work for us .
8 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
9 ‘ Why on earth would you want me to come and work for you ? ’
10 If you are elderly or disabled , your local Council of Voluntary Service should be able to provide you with willing volunteers to come and decorate for you .
11 Either Sir Charles had forgotten what Jed did , or else nobody had bothered to tell him , because he now leaned forwards and , impressed , it seemed , by Jed 's ingenuity and verve , said , ‘ Perhaps , young man , you should come and work for me . ’
12 ‘ Why do n't you come and work for me ?
13 I do n't know which department employs you , but you can come and work for me whenever you like . ’
14 Now you can come and work for Me . ’
15 and then he kept , he was on , will you come and work for me will you come , I was working for Holmes at the time
16 If you 'll teach me I 'll come and work for you a few hours a week . ’
17 I 'll come and work for you . ’
18 And the Cid made answer , Give within thirty days time , as is the right of the hidalgos ; and the King said he would come and look for him .
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