Example sentences of "come [adv] [prep] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Kohler said : ‘ I offered David the chance to come in with me in a partnership but unfortunately he could n't come up with the necessary amount . ’
2 ‘ Better come along with me to Father Barnes . ’
3 It has come through to me as a firm conclusion that , if there is such a thing as premonition , it is something which is instantaneous — a flash of intuition … .
4 He would always teach trainees : " If a client asks you a question you do n't understand , say — " Hold on a minute sir , a call has just come through to me from the States " — put him on hold then , and ask me .
5 Christmas has come early for me with this one — another mysterious release that planted itself firmly on the Vibes desk .
6 Later I trained a kestrel which I found much less inquisitive and more likely to come straight to me for the food .
7 So do n't come back at me with any crap about my specific orders .
8 Zimberalda … you 've come back to me at last ! ’ she snorts , wiping the tears from her eyes .
9 You had come back to me in order to show me your poems : there was no one else to whom you could show them .
10 I needed more er information on both of those persons , David and Lawrence er and I asked Inspector er to make enquiries regarding those persons and to come back to me with that information .
11 ‘ David obviously wrote the songs and everything but I felt a lot of responsibility came on to me at that time , although it was nothing like David 's , ’ he says .
12 But Vivienne came down on me like a dragon .
13 I made the mistake of criticizing you and she came down on me like a ton of bricks . ’
14 Far off on the horizon I could make out tiny figures : galloping beasts , scurrying men ; and faint sounds came down to me of barking dogs , irritated bellowings and shrill cries of " Haow , haow ! "
15 Knew a fellow somewhere in Evy that would n't be seen dead holding a black Polled cattle , so er he er came along to me with er farmer 's weekly , and a black Polled cow on it , and gave me a photograph of this man .
16 Just the way I knew my mum had bad news when she came in on me in dad 's study all those weeks ago .
17 The full power of trance possession first came through to me in Bali while watching the all-night shadow plays by the great dalangs , or puppet-masters , such as Madra .
18 Suddenly it came home to me with tremendous force that this was my last chance , the very last of all the countless chances I had thrown away just like this , because I had been too lazy or too proud to exploit them properly .
19 it 's always a bit a it came home to me with great a vigour and enthusiasm when I was walking round the kitting station at R A F Innsworth with a supermarket trolley getting it filled with kit and when I got to the end they handed me my dog tags and my gun , I thought what have I let myself in for because I 'd never worn dog tags before and I 'd never had a gun with live ammunition in it that got strapped to my hip and you suddenly realise , I 'm going into a real war it was quite a nerve racking experience for a few days
20 My comparative lack of basic talent came home to me on the practice ground before the first round of the Amateur .
21 And he came once to me on the district to me I do n't know he went to others .
22 ‘ He came straight to me with the tale , ’ said Hugh , reckoning up in a low voice for Cadfael 's ear alone .
23 I got on the bus at the terminus at the bottom of Avondale Buildings and rode it back and forth to the other end of the line , sitting on the top deck , not knowing where I was or what I was doing , until the conductor came up to me at the other terminus , after my fifth trip , and asked : ‘ You all right , mate ? ’
24 I HAVE several times told the story of the lady who came up to me at the end of one of my lectures on the relationship between science and music and said , ‘ It 's all very well doing all these scientific tests on musical instruments but can you explain the tingle in the spine that some music produces ? ’
25 We had lost the press buses and one of the Gofers , a merchant banker , came up to me on the tarmac to ask if I knew where they were .
26 She came up to me with , I noticed , slightly less bounce in her step than there had been the previous day .
27 At this moment about 11 people came up to me with two dogs .
28 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
29 People came up to me with glowing faces and said , Was n't it wonderful ?
30 Zak came up to me with Donna and offered me a lift back to the city in their bus , and at that exact moment I saw not Bill Baudelaire himself but someone who might go among the owners , where Tommy could n't .
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