Example sentences of "come [prep] the [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Fei Yen stood in the shade of the willow , waiting for the two princes to come along the path that led to the bridge .
2 Worse was to come with the news that the gentleman had brought no valet , his usual man having fallen ill .
3 A second indication that these receptors might be involved in the induction of LTP has come from the finding that aminocylopentane dicarboxylate ( ACPD ) , the 1S,3R-enantiomer of which is a specific agonist for mGluRs , can augment tetanus-induced potentiation .
4 Since the quadrupling of the defence budget in 1950–55 , the president 's main source of power has come from the fact that he sits at the head of a great ‘ national security state ’ — to adopt the phrase of Daniel Patrick Moynihan , a Democratic senator .
5 Support for it has come from the observation that both the brain and the conventional digital computer ( i.e. the one hard-wired only for its machine code ) seem to be surprisingly homogeneous in their internal structure , which led to remarks like Newell 's ( 1973 ) ‘ … intelligent behaviour demands only a few very general features in the underlying mechanism ’ .
6 and that 's the , that 's come from the Hebrew that particular thing
7 The name of this parish is said to come from the legend that builders , on the orders of a local lord , tried to raise the church elsewhere eight times ; on each occasion finding it pulled down at night and the tools moved to the present site .
8 ‘ It 's old folks and neighbours that have gone into the houses , and it will be children who will benefit in years to come from the jobs that are created .
9 I wish to come to the point that the right hon. Gentleman raised specifically about my role in this matter .
10 Because if you do , you can not fail to be deeply impressed by the very many ways in which high-fibre foods can help you to slim , and to come to the conclusion that the F-Plan is that major slimming breakthrough everyone has been seeking for so long .
11 Having taken into account the facts known to the inspector , the Special Commissioner was entitled to come to the conclusion that the inspector 's opinion was reasonable in the circumstances .
12 It is therefore very difficult to come to the conclusion that by 1982 there was a moral imperative to close the hospitals .
13 I am satisfied that the evidence in this case did not entitle the judge to come to the conclusion that there was in fact a grave risk of an intolerable situation for the boy if his return were to be ordered .
14 When I hear Tory Members speaking about the health service , in Trafford or anywhere else , I am bound to come to the conclusion that they are after family jobs .
15 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
16 So , it 's it 's just a problem that 's come to the surface that obviously needs addressing .
17 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
18 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
19 He had been there since lunchtime , and it had been while she 'd watched him that she had come to the decision that she must go .
20 I have come to the view that the discretionary use of monetary and fiscal policy , even when constrained by monetary targets and financial plans , is likely to prove unsatisfactory because of the combination of political pressures and market pressures with which the authorities have to deal .
21 Having examined the various sectors er we 've come to the view that there are three sectors which are least worst in that effect , erm which is the north east sector , south east and the south west .
22 ‘ We are aware of the local feeling and have come to the view that we should not fight for the additional land requirement , ’ Mr Walker said .
23 There might be regrets over giving up the novel , but after having been deeply interested in that form for many years ( even to the extent of writing one ) and often teaching courses on the novel , I have come to the conclusion that the pedagogic difficulties involved are extreme .
24 For on that Saturday Mr Pozsgay organised a radio interview to tell the world that a party committee working under him had come to the conclusion that 1956 had been a popular uprising , thus ensuring that the terms of reference in Hungarian politics would never be the same again .
25 But I 've come to the conclusion that these are sometimes a bit astrological , particularly if you 're in a competitive situation .
26 The director , Andrew Warren , admitted that even in that citadel of energy conservation he had come to the conclusion that the savings would not justify the cost .
27 American officials say that , after a year 's careful thought , the new democracies of Eastern Europe have come to the conclusion that NATO is a splendid thing : a watchdog against any future Soviet attempt to re-establish hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe ( see page 47 ) .
28 On 22 February the Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Peter Rees , had minuted the Prime Minister saying that the Chancellor and he had come to the conclusion that the Government should aim to save £2 billion from the social security review by 1987–8 .
29 Last night , while sitting doing my ration of embroidery , I thought of what we had been talking about — the paying guest , and have come to the conclusion that you ought not to undertake such a responsibility as you have had such a difficult time in one way and another with sickness and trouble .
30 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
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