Example sentences of "come [prep] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A group of thirty horsemen had come against Forteviot from the east an hour before , and had tried to set fire to it with burning arrows , and strike down the defenders with slingshot and spears .
2 It what it tends to do is to encourage more traffic to come into Knaresborough on the main road as opposed to the two secondary roads .
3 It has a charming , white stuccoed wiggly gable , two windows wide , that might have come from Amsterdam with the King 's guns .
4 The last proposal for change had come from France on the grounds of weather being better later in the season but it was decided then to leave fixtures in their present slots from January-March .
5 For she had actually been engaged in the very pleasant task of deciding which room in her new house at Far Flatley might best be converted into a nursery when a messenger had come from Frizingley with the awful news .
6 ‘ Thank goodness that at last I shall be able to come from Stowbridge by the short way and under the low bridge ! ’ he said .
7 A strange change had come over Leo in the last week or so .
8 I hope to come to Ireland at the end of the season and I will , of course , come and see you .
9 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
10 He had not quite completed the required three years out of four , but because his examination results had been good , the Senatus stretched a point , and we both got leave to come to Edinburgh for the January 1944 graduation .
11 Kim 's parents , Carole and Dennis Brockwell left the family home in Waterstock in Oxfordshire to come to Paris for the trial .
12 On reflection , does the Home Secretary consider that if someone is due to come to Britain with the sole purpose of inciting race hatred there is no reason why he should be allowed in , and that Le Pen should have been excluded ?
13 She felt this even more strongly when the news began to come to England of the concentration camps that were discovered when the troops swept through Germany .
14 The bus was to come to Burleigh for the swimmers at five-thirty , and then drive to Sturford , the county town , where the championships were to take place .
15 We 'll be bringing the show to you live from Sydney , Australia , at the end of January , to mark Australia Day , and we 're looking for two couples , they can be husband and wife , mother and daughter , father and son , any combination you like , even a couple of friends , we 're looking for two couples to come to Australia with the show , and to act as roving reporters .
16 Maidstone explained that he had first come to Italy after the First World War .
17 Mr Usta said he had come to London under the impression that his kidney was to be donated to one of the ‘ broker ’ brothers , Ata Nur Kuntar .
18 This is one of three drawings of Lopokova by Picasso , the latter having come to London for the first time to work on designs and sets for Massine 's Le Tricorne , writes Joanna Gibbon .
19 She had come to London after the war as a music student , and felt by this time she was neither Canadian or English .
20 Why Duncan and Doreen had come to London in the mid-'seventies , and why they stayed , was a mystery .
21 Gradually , over the years , I would piece together another family history ; of those who had come to Scotland in the terrible years of the 1840s , some of whom , indeed , had even been Irish Catholics .
22 The new target date was April 1692 and the main assembly area lay directly behind the Baie de La Hogue , where the Irish troops who had come to France under the Treaty of Limerick had disembarked .
23 Hello there … this week we 've come to France to the town of Chalon sur Soane for one of the most dramatic one of of the most dangerous of summer sports … that 's powerboating …
24 Whenever I go in a minicab on my way to a radio or television programme — the companies are kind enough to take us in a car — I end up discussing with the driver how he has come to Britain in the fairly recent past and now has a job driving round London .
25 Nickie , aged eighteen , lived with her parents , who had come to Britain from the West Indies in the 195Os , until she was sixteen .
26 They had come to England during the eighteenth century through the southwestern ports and an English breed society was formed in 1884 .
27 The family appear to have come to England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth when several glassmakers from Lorraine were invited to practise their skills in this country .
28 Many Irish women , including myself , who had come to England for the first time were truly shocked by the levels of anti-Irish racism directed at us .
29 The remaining land had come to Clarence by the forfeiture of Thomas lord Roos , although dower rights had prevented him enjoying Helmsley itself .
30 The remaining land had come to Clarence by the forfeiture of Thomas lord Roos , although dower rights had prevented him enjoying Helmsley itself .
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