Example sentences of "think that [pers pn] might [be] " in BNC.

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1 I mean when you spun off last year and broke your ankle did you think that it might be , well , worse ? ’
2 Instead of worrying about what fitzAlan might do to her after her last defiant outburst , she could only think that he might be in danger .
3 Odd-Knut thinks that it might be best to make a night trip with empty sledges , returning to the camp , especially as a friend of his is likely to arrive for the night .
4 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
5 On 7 July Amedeo wrote a card to his mother telling her , somewhat cruelly , that as Italy was now in the war , he had thought that he might be called back for military service , even though he was an invalid and had felt a slight desire to return to Italy .
6 Blackberry clearly thought that he might be going to attack them and backed away .
7 We were perhaps selected by someone with a sense of humour who thought that we might be the right couple to bring in a Queen 's Speech which increases the penalties for mutiny in prisons .
8 However mistaken he thought that she might be , and that her vision of life was based on a charming naïveté which took little account of the cruel realities of existence , it was , to him , admirable that she should care about such things , and in such a practical way when all was said and done .
9 Edinburgh friends who knew him from his Islay childhood thought that he might be able to help me .
10 If I thought that I might be able to count on your friendship , despite all that 's happened , then …
11 After the damaging Westland affair and the loss of two senior Cabinet ministers , there were even Conservatives who thought that it might be time to change the leader .
12 They thought that it might be leukaemia .
13 She thought that it might be nice for Mother to be involved in the shop , but obviously they were n't going to listen to her .
14 They thought that it might be excusable to exploit situations to promote the individual MP 's career within his own party or to look after constituency interests , but it was quite inexcusable to open up opportunities for the Opposition to criticize the government .
15 At first , the afternoon was as much a pleasure as McAllister thought that it might be .
16 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
17 I hope that the hon. Member for Beaconsfield will serve on the Committee that will examine the Bill , although I am not trying to condemn him to that if he does not wish to be there , because I think that we might be able to find some common ground .
18 It is of no surprise to you and I to know that we are in a erm an economic crisis , and , but I think that we might be accused of being in an area that does n't take the fair share of the cuts .
19 Perform well whatever assignments you have , trust God 's angels to remove and replace where necessary when things are n't being done in a congregation as you think that they might be or should be done , or you might think well the , why do n't the elders do something about this , we 'll leave it , leave it to Jehovah and the angels , if there 's anything wrong , they 'll sort it out and they 'll make the elves sort it out as well , they have ways and means , again coming back to this new text here persistence in prayer shows you are awake the spirituals so there 's another way Jesus was outstanding in its constantly regarding prayers keep awake by field ministry and here 's a rare one in any public talk financial contributions financial , we do n't hear that very often in public talks , we , we always say that there 's , er people come to the meetings , there 's no collection , no mention of money , the seats are free , you 're
20 Now might it not be also a very good idea then to report back to another public meeting with the results of those suggestions possibly done in a written form which could be freely available before the meeting so that people can discuss these in a structured way because I think this evening one of the problems about this evening is that points are being missed because issues are being jumped from one to another in no structured way and I think that it might be worth while for another meeting where it is structured but certainly to produce the results of your discussions internally to many of the ideas that you 've heard this evening .
21 And I think that it might be useful , Mr Chairman to emphasize the fact that we are a rural county , and a rural county has specific rural problems , er , and I do n't think that the district auditor has recognized the particular problems that we have er , in a rural county .
22 She had not stopped to think that she might be inserting herself into a social scene that she had walked away from when she had left home .
23 He seemed so nice and dependable — just the sort of person one would like for a brother — and it hurt her to think that he might be double-faced .
24 Sometimes , when she was startled or frightened on my fist or as I approached her , it was painful to think that I might be responsible for her fear .
25 Before you begin to think that it might be safer to starve than to eat and run the risk of food poisoning , it 's important to get the whole matter of food poisoning into perspective .
26 So Nichols began to think that it might be more interesting to cast against the ‘ walking surfboard ’ kind of guy that Dustin had always envied .
27 David began to think that it might be possible to go on living in the same house as Julia and Anthony without either betraying himself or suffering unendurable frustration .
28 I would be delighted to think that it might be . ’
29 Personally I ca n't help thinking that we might be better off waving goodbye to these Sacred Brides and Divine Mothers and starting over with women and mums .
30 Never , by look or gesture or word , had he given her the slightest justification for thinking that he might be interested in her as a person .
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