Example sentences of "think it be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I was on a local council for some years that thought it was well run , but we still found it possible to get rid of a tier of management .
2 ‘ It was an exciting record but I thought it was badly made .
3 Few people mentioned a need for external training for non-professional staff , although at least one who did , thought it was strongly needed : ‘ Desperate shortage of topics for the interested non-professional ’ .
4 Thought it was already done .
5 I said I thought it was already done and the form was sent away .
6 ‘ But I began this without any hope whatsoever of winning the one thing I wanted above all others because I thought it was already given , and what I took in compensation merely made me want it more and resent its absence , because I kept loving you more and more .
7 Worse , they had lost Gooch after a ball from Moseley had reared up and struck him on the left hand , breaking a bone , although until the match was over even his team thought it was only bruised .
8 I thought it was all finished , but I was wrong .
9 And I should think it 's bleeding spent it and all .
10 ‘ Nothing in this marvellous list ’ says Milton ‘ was as fine as Eden ’ and of course it hurts him to say it , and I do n't think it 's far fetched to detect that hurt and pain of that great sacrifice that John Milton is making in the rhythm when we read ‘ Might with this paradise of Eden strive ’ , or in the fact that he ca n't stop there , because I did n't — as you will have realized from Bentley 's comment — I did n't read you the whole passage .
11 I do n't think it was n't done with malice , she 's just
12 It was a it was lost er No I do n't think it was entirely lost , not the twenty one strike , was n't entirely lost .
13 I remember a Rhodesian in our squadron writing a long letter to the ‘ Malta Times ’ about this very subject , but I do n't think it was ever published . ’
14 Perhaps it 's not surprising you overlooked the release — I do n't think it was ever issued here in the UK , and the copy I own is an import .
15 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
16 The bit where the rest of the family goes out and the cat is after Stuart bores Babur : he thinks it is probably directed at the younger reader .
17 Like most bowlers , he works on his batting and , privately , no doubt , thinks it is sparingly recognised .
18 However , I think it 's best done by changing the cast-on sequence .
19 I think it 's best described as wet and warm .
20 Before we leave erm seventeen fours erm sheet , the there was a question I 'd have , I think it 's probably addressed to Graham rather than anything , nothing personal about this , er , the actual state of equivalent in the month , the third figure down in the last box
21 I think it 's even made us more tolerant towards other people . ’
22 No , I think it 's well known , actually , amongst the computing fraternity , that the best programmers are actually housewives , because basically it 's a question of housekeeping .
23 I think it 's only lasted about eight or ten weeks .
24 I think it 's actually numbered .
25 erm I think it 's really encouraged by the fact that the erm gipsy sites which one sees around the County at the present moment because there is very little control over them , are most unsightly and do considerable damage to the countryside , and people do not wish this to happen in their own area .
26 I think it 's often thought of as a way of men getting rid of their aggression and if they can go out there on a Saturday and shout and ball and scream , then that 's fine !
27 Erm Peter , North Yorkshire , I think it 's appropriately addressed there and I think there are so many elements of it that er I think you w you would end up with perhaps a very long explanatory section .
28 I think it 's still flooded James .
29 I think it 's quickly done itself actually .
30 I think it is adequately dealt with as problem because of the really the length and the depth of my involvement with the school .
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