Example sentences of "think it [was/were] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 thought it were road he put all four in , and he went down , up
2 For a moment she thought it was Scathach himself who came towards her ; her mind was full of the vision from the oak tree , of the young man , identically dressed , bleeding out his life …
3 Oh I thought it was pears you were short of
4 I thought it was kangaroos you were so het up about ? ’
5 For a moment — ah , Dieu ! — I thought it was Isabelle herself , who had dared to return . ’
6 ‘ Because my aunt — Emily 's mother — thought it was time we … ’ he gestured to Emily , who was peeling off her eggshell , ‘ … time we met . ’
7 I thought it was time you got involved in it too , my friend .
8 She relayed several more messages , conveying by her voice that she thought it was time he appeared in his office .
9 His bosses thought it was time he got back into
10 The way things were going I thought it was time I had a slit trench to dive into .
11 Reading Mary Bailey 's article this month , which is both a celebration of seven years of service to the hobby , and a cry from the heart to help her to help you , I thought it was time I promoted , explained and outlined our superb readers ' query service .
12 ‘ I thought it was time I began looking like a human being , ’ she snapped .
13 ‘ And everyone thought it was Gramps who was the father ? ’
14 Everybody seems to be nodding around here I thought it was Thursday it was was n't it ?
15 He thought it was Ketura who generally came to call for him before breakfast .
16 Then there was a big cheer from the 18th and we thought it was Nicklaus who 'd holed for a birdie .
17 on an underground train which could n't decide if it 's going to move or not , it did eventually move I got a taxi at one point and I was so sick and tired and they put me outside Liberties , I gave the man a twenty pound note and he gave me change for a ten yes , coming back from Oxford Circus from Liberty 's , I thought I 'd better economise , I 've been done out of ten pounds , I do n't think it was dishonesty I think it was just sheer muddle , I , I 'm ten pounds down , I 'm must cut down a bit , so I will come back underground from Oxford Circus to Waterloo to get down to and you 've guessed it , I got into an , an underground train which would not move , it simply stuck , and it would go chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , then it would stop in the tunnel for a while , while its .
18 I do n't think it was romance I thought he kept her in chocolates and cigarettes .
19 I do n't think it was Michael who suggested it .
20 The woman would probably think it was kids who had stolen them .
21 This time Reception said they had run out of vases and , whatever he 'd done , did n't she think it was time she forgave him ?
22 You do n't think it was Matthew who
23 I think it were Jes what were telling you .
24 Anyway , to judge by the magazine 's groovy post-modern orange cover , they think it was Penguin who killed British fiction , which seems a little harsh .
25 they were saying how spoilt children are today and how , erm I think it was Anne who was telling me and I said it , that is just ridiculous is n't it ? for a four year old to have their own video
26 I think it was Michel who said , ‘ It might be cheaper to connect it to a flight simulator ’ .
27 But er the school , I think it was Rudling I , I 've often tried to find it but I I 'm not sure which one i , you know , for
28 Er , I think it was Councillor who referred to er looking at your own household budget .
29 And I think it was Kipling who said he had six serving maids Who , What , Where , Why , When and How .
30 I ca n't remember I think it was Louise who br I went up to talk to her , and the question was , which of follow which of the following is not a swimming stroke and you have butterfly , breast stroke , bird crawl .
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