Example sentences of "think [pron] have [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I had any blood on my hands , for I had held her ankles just below the silver bracelets .
2 I do n't think I had any celery , I had , I had put in whatever I had in the house and sort of various herbs and spices and things .
3 ‘ I do n't think she had much time for him .
4 ‘ We could check the off-licence , I suppose , though I did n't think she had any money . ’
5 I do n't think she had any experience but she became friendly with Eleanor Fawcett who had , and Vera borrowed our cheese press .
6 I do n't think she 's much choice has she ?
7 But no , she 's gone for this promotion in work and er even though she does n't think she 's much chance of getting it because there 's two permanent lads there that really you know would be next in line rather than her sort of thing but she 's you know , she feels she 's done her bit and that , you know , it 's worth going for and like I said to her you might as well !
8 ‘ I do n't think you 've any idea just how attractive you are , Madeleine . ’
9 ‘ Honestly , Daddy , I do n't think you have any concept of human dignity . ’
10 It , it will vary very much from contract to contract but not all money is , is controllable and how much you all contribute to erm Brian B M W from your projects , I , I do n't think you have any control over do you ?
11 Personally I would have thought you had more ambition than that . ’
12 ‘ I would have thought they had enough country in Sweden , ’ Bragg said crossly , ‘ without his bothering about ours . ’
13 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
14 I do n't think we had any cheese did we ?
15 I do n't think we have enough information to make strong conclusions ’ .
16 It is in that sense and you need product because I do n't think we have any competition on this at all .
17 ‘ I do n't think we have any right to assume that .
18 and I do n't think anybody has more time in in four weeks time
19 and half of it is rubbish and decent rubbish and that 's rubbish there it is I knew it was in here somewhere I knew I thought it was in the Prima they gave it to you but obviously it was erm in Essentials everything out of there do n't think they had many Christmas You used to was it you , you see you can make your own , was it you that we went up to town that time and brought those erm from John Lewis the round
20 I mean as I 'm , I do n't think they had any option with this I think because it 's a change of usage , considerable change of use then it had to go before the committee , erm but erm
21 You 'd think they had another road block down here .
22 And I I really do n't think they have any business without consulting you and me , as the peoples that they represent , because I 'm I 'm a voter in North Yorkshire too , so I do n't think they have any business actually doing this without consulting us first of all .
23 And I I really do n't think they have any business without consulting you and me , as the peoples that they represent , because I 'm I 'm a voter in North Yorkshire too , so I do n't think they have any business actually doing this without consulting us first of all .
24 ‘ I do n't think they have any religion . ’
25 I thought I had some information here on prices I ca n't seem to find it no no , ca n't find it , never , never mind I 've got some figures here that looks at erm the growth in in trade , er it 's quoting , it says between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine the volume of agricultural trade grew by twenty six percent alright , however that was that represented one third of the growth in manufacturers so agricultural trade is rising but it 's rising much less rapidly than manufacturers here are the prices , at the same time , so between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine er food export prices fell the prices actually fell from eleven percent , t , by eleven percent whereas the unit value of manufactured exports , so essentially the prices of manufactured exports rose on average by twenty percent okay so over the , over that period agricultural prices were actually falling in real terms but if we widen erm s the window that we 're looking at , erm , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen er say over the post war period or if we er go back to the beginning of the century , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen erm but relative to manufacturing they certainly have okay .
26 I thought you had more self-control .
27 ‘ I thought you had more courage . ’
28 Her first step was to leave the kitchen exactly as he left it ; if he thought she had any intention of clearing his mess up behind him , then Luther was very much mistaken .
29 ‘ But I thought we had all day to get to the school , ’ remarked Endill .
30 And , and I thought we had this conversation two weeks ago
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