Example sentences of "think [noun] have be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She thinks photography has been driven into an isolationist role : how right she is .
2 But I do n't think reference has been made to a document that is referred to in P P G one , namely the doc the white paper , This Common Inheritance , er D O E document , and in that there 's a clear indication that this question of a new settlement erm should be considered , paragraph six point four eight reads , however well urban land is used , there will continue to be a need for building on greenfield sites , it is important that new housing on such sites is carefully placed to preserve the open countryside , and respects the quality of the landscape .
3 For a moment she really had thought Dana had been hurt .
4 Workfare was on the committee 's agenda but the committee has now been wound up and it is thought workfare has been pushed back as an idea requiring long-term consideration rather than implementation in the near future .
5 I do n't think Buffy had been called ‘ sir ’ in a shop for a long time , let alone ‘ young gentleman ’ .
6 Anne asked , but Maureen said she thought Kathleen had been hit returning from work .
7 Gregory himself seems to refer to at least two : in addition to that in which he thought Clovis had been converted , he mentions a battle at Tolbiac or Zülpich where Sigibert , king of the Ripuarian Franks , was wounded .
8 I thought Lee had been taken for a ride , and said so .
9 The police had launched the hunt after Madeleine Cavey , Joan 's husband 's second wife , said she thought Joan had been killed .
10 But I thought John had been put into a job that in fact he was born to and getting his teeth into
11 Britons who think inflation has been exorcised are living in a dream .
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