Example sentences of "my [det] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All you could think of was yourself , just expecting me to drop my former life for yours .
2 What has happened to me in the group is that my own perceptions of myself and others have been modified by group norms , which may only be mine marginally .
3 Inevitably , consciously , I added my own prayers to their paeons of praise .
4 My telephone calls , my business colleagues , my competitors , my own ambitions for my company , are all international in nature .
5 Because I recognised my own culpability in what had happened I did n't even argue the point . ’
6 I can take my own stuff in my own bag , yes .
7 In what follows , I propose to identify each , and then offer my own reflections on their importance for policy design .
8 Before I attempt to give my own views on what is a complicated ( and locally controversial ) subject , perhaps a more general look at our sea-birds and their lifestyles would be appropriate .
9 No , I 've got my own views on it , now .
10 post traumatic stress , I have my own views about what will happen there
11 Once again I can only speak from my own experience of what my patients have told me .
12 My own experience of his judgement was not very encouraging and did not support the view of his racing omniscience .
13 Working with him — and my own experience with him was brief — was a joy .
14 We 've had a an expose if that 's the right word of the method of appointing them , but from my own experience in my own area , where are they going to come from , what functions are they going to carry out ?
15 Asked how personal development had been affected , responses reveal improvements in self-confidence , social skills and aspirations : ‘ it has given me extra confidence to speak at meetings , e.g. community council , community association meetings ’ ; ‘ it has brought out skills I never new I had ’ ; ‘ I have learned to work closer with people since I joined , which is a new experience for me , and become more tolerant of people 's attitudes and ways ’ ; ‘ I am more aware of my own attitude towards my group ’ ; ‘ it has given me more confidence in my own ability to learn new skills ’ ; ‘ made me do things that I thought I was not capable of doing ’ .
16 I pledge my own honour for it .
17 when I look at Lindsey and what she 's doing at the minute , I look back to my own life at her age
18 My own sense of myself as a person directly conflicted with the kind of girl who was sung about in pop songs … .
19 of it er but I 'd rather be viewed on my own merits on my own worth er be willing to take a few risks in life erm and know that I 've got the rewards at the end of it for making a success .
20 I was never really happy about the explanation but I had no proof of my own misgivings about it and anyway I would n't have known where to start looking even if I 'd been convinced then that she was alive . ’
21 And then I would have made my own judgement about her death .
22 As my own position with him became firmer , he aired occasional criticisms of Mrs Williams .
23 But this was too soon in my own development for me to be able to grasp the opportunity and eventually the shop closed down and Mr Farrer moved on .
24 and I perhaps then wax my legs or erm , but not to the extreme of having some one else involved in my improvements , I make my own improvements in my body
25 My own marginality with its reflexive potential in some ways mirrored their experience , for some members of the counter-culture stood apart , in a position which allowed them to renounce , ridicule , or reject society 's cherished structures of significance .
26 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
27 I shall venture my own response to it in the final chapter .
28 I am going to offer , more as a case-study than a prescription , my own thoughts about what education ought to be , and what kind of ‘ schooling ’ would be an appropriate channel for its delivery .
29 I can make my own way to my digs , ’ she said with great dignity .
30 I hissed through my own teeth at it and tugged the rubber tighter , then tighter still .
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