Example sentences of "my [noun pl] [am/are] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know what my eyes are telling me .
2 Mm so am I , my eyes are killing me .
3 My legs are killing me .
4 My feet are killing me ; I 'll be making my way back , ’ I said , sitting down suddenly .
5 My feet are killing me !
6 Now my grandchildren are enjoying it .
7 In fact , ’ she went on when she could see that he did n't seem overly impressed , ‘ in fact , my parents are expecting me home today . ’
8 My muscles are reminding me of this morning 's ride and the unaccustomed exercise … ’
9 ‘ And my feelings are telling me that we 've all been wrong about what I want to do .
10 DIGGING her fingers into Agnes 's padded shoulders and squirming a little , Sadie moaned , ‘ My whalebones are killing me ! ’
11 In fact the literature is now full of storm deposits and my students are finding them everywhere ( without any pressure from me ) .
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