Example sentences of "my [adj] [noun] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was going for my usual roundhouse and the Lord said , ‘ Do n't finish that roundhouse . ’
2 He has been a guiding beacon in my professional life and a touchstone of human integrity .
3 I smack my hypothetical forehead as the mention of holy men reminds me — what about the delicious plum now ripening on the ben Issachar family tree .
4 Instead they show to my prejudiced eyes that the sea changes were very rapid indeed .
5 I slide the rod-rest slowly into the sand , making sure it is positioned to that I can sit comfortably with the butt of the rod in my right hand and the tip pointing at the roots .
6 With the rod in my right hand and the line between butt-ring and reel looped over the middle finger of my left hand I wait impatiently for a bite .
7 ‘ One electric cable was fixed to the small finger of my right hand and the other cable was moved over various parts of my body .
8 More marble-sized lumps have sprung up on my neck and in my right armpit and the lump on my thigh is growing fast .
9 It was then that I felt the first cobweb — one sticky tendril , unbelievably strong , across my right eye and the bridge of my nose .
10 When I meet women from other countries and they talk about Western feminism and Third World feminism , I did n't see it that way at all I was looking for a political party and I found that I could n't find any which suited my political beliefs and a party that combined Third World and British issues .
11 Pat Connolly was led away to incarceration and I was offered treatment for my facial injuries and an operation on my flattened nose .
12 It is my strong conviction that an efficient economy and a fair society go together .
13 We , in the Midlands , support the role that the Health and Safety Review document puts forward , and in concluding , President , I would just like to pay tribute to my regional committee and the work that they did , in getting the review off the ground in the first place .
14 I knew the man , my dear master and a great king , who brought the leopards into the shield of England …
15 And I said — for I was permitted to answer — that I had no desire for marriage , but wished to live unwed and happy with my dear brother and no other .
16 Most of the East Anglian ports were enjoying their first spell of prosperity for many years , employment and trade was booming in the area and more customs staff were required at King 's Lynn , Ipswich and Felixstowe , my old home and a natural first choice .
17 ‘ One of the most amazing things about my life is I have the most lovely dreams about all my old friends and the old days .
18 We each left the bulk of our estates to the other , with a couple of minor legacies — my old college and a couple of godchildren on my side , and her sister on hers . ’
19 Many computers , like my old Amstrad and the Amiga , come in standard formats .
20 I hope I can reassure my hon. Friends that the framework of duties within the Bill does not create such a divide .
21 Some of my hon. Friends and the hon. Member for Glasgow , Provan ( Mr. Wray ) have suggested that central Government should pay more of the cost of local authority expenditure than the Bill provides for .
22 I certainly agree with my hon. Friend that a significant reduction in Turkish troops in northern Cyprus would improve the climate for a negotiated settlement .
23 I agree with my hon. Friend that an important balance must be struck .
24 I can assure my hon. Friend that the Department will honour the commitment given by the region to provide £2.5 million to get phase 2 under way .
25 I agree with my hon. Friend that the Government believe in serious negotiation to get the details right before signing the directives .
26 I can , indeed , assure my hon. Friend that the £40.3 million for the GEF is additional to and separate from the development aid budget .
27 I am pleased to be able to tell my hon. Friend that the new structures and management priorities of the health service led the health authority to appoint a new ophthalmology consultant last week to provide extra sessions to work through the waiting list .
28 However , I entirely agree with my hon. Friend that the opportunities for Back Benchers to introduce Bills are very important , and I am sure that the Select Committee will keep that very much in mind .
29 I agree with my hon. Friend that the next important consequence to flow from the CTC programme is that the benefits of all the curriculum development work undertaken by CTCs will spread to the rest of the education system .
30 I remind my hon. Friend that the regional electricity companies have an obligation to undertake economic purchasing .
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