Example sentences of "my [noun] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although I would also say that I do n't suppose there are very many Councillors that do n't actually , at the end of the day , being a Councillor is costing them a lot of money and those members ' allowances are very , very small and they certainly in my case nowhere near cover the cost of being a County Councillor .
2 ‘ You , Sir , ’ he wrote to Sir John Franklin , ‘ fully understand this pleasure particularly when one 's visits are directed to a fresh field abounding with novelties ; if I find my labors as much rewarded here as they have been in V. D. Land , I shall consider myself amply paid . ’
3 The honourable gentleman trying my patience now please get back to the boundaries of the .
4 I think they showed that one Christmas or something and were watching something else and we turned over and the instant we turned over , this girl wobbled across the screen , and my mum straight away switched it back on the other side me and me brothers right in the other room watching there .
5 Now my sister just just had her bathroom just had her bath bathroom artexed ?
6 I promise , but not at the moment cos it needs a lot of setting up , I 'll get myself to set my computer up specially to make those disks
7 Oh , no I put a six where a five should be , in my pin number , that 's all I did , but I just , I just stood there and my mind just completely went blank , I could n't remember it at all .
8 Reg. v. McPherson is to my mind clearly correctly decided as are all the cases which have followed it .
9 For some reason my clients nearly always ask : ‘ Where can we put more people ? ’
10 My feet just about worked , like heavy blobs at the end of bendy pipe-cleaners , I sat through assembly with all the voices and music floating over me , and every time I closed my eyes I saw Julie lying in the road .
11 In seconds I 'm over my head in stinking nest , my feet still not touching the bottom .
12 I said that I thought I could just about get my act together sufficiently to come .
13 This is my home now please fuck off .
14 See , my parents hardly ever go .
15 This general principle has however been circumscribed in various ways by decided cases , not least by the rule that money paid under a mistake of law is not recoverable , a rule which , though heavily criticised in academic writings and elsewhere , is in my opinion too deeply embedded in English jurisprudence to be uprooted judicially .
16 colouring and , but its for myself erm , my husband never ever says to me oh your not wearing make-up or erm when I go to work I do n't wear it
17 He said , ‘ You understand that in my capacity as stage manager it 's my job not only to train you in your chosen career but to guide you in other respects . ’
18 And as soon as I faced up to that , I realised my fears no longer applied . ’
19 When a servaton finally appeared , I ordered a goblet of the fuming Paoostyc liquor called Old Sunburst , raised my mask just enough to gulp it , then ordered two more .
20 After his retirement , my father no longer found himself in command of an Ordnance Base Depot supplying the whole of the 8th Army , but merely a small cottage in Hampshire .
21 I hope you will agree that in these two instances I have cited from his career — both of which I have had corroborated and believe to be accurate — my father not only manifests , but comes close to being the personification itself , of what the Hayes Society terms ‘ dignity in keeping with his position ’ .
22 The austere ideal , the man who acts out his principles and endures what is — can you imagine Michel Devaux saying as my father so often did , I 've only got one life and so much time , I ca n't afford to stand back ?
23 ‘ I raised my game just enough to get through the early rounds , ’ he said of his performance .
24 I put my hands on my hips , waited till I got my breath back then turned to the farmer .
25 Further to a letter forwarded to me by my colleagues in the Orkney Seven Action Group , I have now confirmed to my local MP , Jim Wallace , that such representations as he can make on my behalf most assuredly have my consent .
26 I have to say that nothing in my career so far has prepared me for this kind of work .
27 It 's a full-time job ; in fact I 've just spent my leave there simply to give them a break for a few days . ’
28 ‘ But when you go on telly there has to be some compromise , like I swear all the f—ing time , but that does n't bother me , I do n't feel like I 'm selling my life away just to get on the telly . ’
29 ‘ But my life never really started at any stage — which I know you wo n't believe , but it 's true — so it never really got stopped at any point .
30 ‘ The Classic is the talk of the north west angling scene and I cut my holidays short just to take part in the qualifying match at Halsnead Park . ’
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