Example sentences of "now being [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In North Shields the river , the literal reason for the place , is now being seen as a consumption goodie rather than a production possibility .
2 Caniçal was also once the whaling centre of Madeira , and the old whaling factory is now being converted into a Whaling Museum .
3 The first area is the teaching of legal awareness in schools , now being undertaken through a collaborative project between the Law Society and the School Curriculum Development Committee on Law in Education .
4 One in ten of all agreements with a settlement date on or after August 1992 are now being hit by a pay freeze , said Labour Research .
5 Someone or something had been through the fridge and taken away a few samples of earthling diet — a chilli con carne and a cold lasagne that was probably even now being scoffed by a load of blobs up in the ionosphere .
6 There was a vicious irony that it should be Brian , who always confronted the guards when they treated him subhumanly , who was now being abused like a dumb animal .
7 The Advertiser was continuing to lose council advertising , Mr Isdale added , and public notices were now being placed in a recently established council newsletter .
8 The boreholes were drilled into windows of Mesozoic rock and provide evidence of the sub-Tertiary geology of the North Rockall Trough which is now being explored by a number of oil companies .
9 A subset of the data is now being incorporated into a multinational comparative data set being compiled by Professor Gershuny at the University of Bath , which for the first time enables comparisons of trends in time use , for similar social groups , across time and across countries .
10 Credit cards are now being regarded as a more acceptable method of settling accounts as the credit card companies guarantee settlement of the bill up to the credit limit of their clients ( see Chapter 5 ) .
11 Some remarkable men are now being freed after a quarter century in prison .
12 On the other hand , psychotropic drugs such as minor tranquillizers and antidepressants are now being prescribed on a large scale by general practitioners ( Skegg et al. 1977 ) , and this probably contributed to some extent to the increase in overdoses of these substances .
13 As his condition deteriorated he was sent to hospital where he is now being treated on a kidney dialysis machine .
14 Even before this time , the cost of war was beginning to sap enthusiasm for it : loans on wool and in wool , accompanied by embargoes and dubious credit arrangements , were testing the patience and loyalty of more than the merchants who assented to these measures ; purveyances , now being collected with a frequency and ruthlessness to match the 1290s , were provoking deep unrest in wide sections of the community , lay and clerical ; efforts to muster arrays for defence against the Scots and French antagonized the clergy when the requests for support were directed to diocesan , instead of provincial , synods .
15 The product will follow HFC134a , which was also piloted at Widnes and is now being made on a full scale plant at nearby Runcorn , with a second currently built in Louisiana , US .
16 The Young England Rugby Club has been in existence for two years but is now being relaunched as a major part of the RFU youth initiative with its own clear aims and ambitions .
17 The ‘ Basic Law ’ : a mini-constitution for post-1997 Hong Kong now being prepared by a Peking-appointed committee .
18 Although initial studies focused on three area , all of them parallel to the existing runway , consideration is now being given to a non-parallel alignment .
19 The small species , formerly P. africanus , is now being referred to a new species , with P. africanus being restricted to Koru and Songhor , together with the similarly sized but morphologically distinct Rangwapithecus gordoni .
20 It is now being replaced by a highly complicated tax that will take two years to value and will be a burden to those on low incomes in high-cost areas .
21 The confrontation with Iraq was accompanied by a radical change in the climate of GCC relations with Iran , hitherto seen as the principal security threat but now being discussed as a possible participant in a wider regional security framework .
22 The issue is now being considered in a House-Senate conference .
23 The fictional drama that had seemed to appeal to the better classes was now being offered to a mass society .
24 The cask is now being repaired by a local funeral director , but there can be no comfort for Mrs. Fieding for the loss of her husband 's ashes ;
25 It is now being hailed as a possible saviour of many of the notoriously polluting eastern European plants .
26 Johnson is now being held at a police station in London .
27 Historical fantasy has been an underlying theme in fashion for some time , but it is now being interpreted in a fascinating variety of ways from the totally hysterical to the perfectly wearable .
28 The Newbury Railway was originally laid to Brunel 's broad gauge and then relaid to standard gauge and is now being revived with a track gauge of two foot .
29 These proposals are now being used as a negotiating tool to demonstrate Switzerland 's strength in particular areas .
30 On the contrary , ‘ From their point of view the RUC is now being used as a political force to impose the Anglo-Irish Agreement on an unwilling majority in the province ’ ( Weitzer , 1987:93 ) .
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