Example sentences of "now [adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Social relations typical of the integrated professional market persisted into this phase , but there was also a significant development of new social relations , for some kinds of writer , who were now effectively or wholly employed within the new corporate structures .
2 Although , computers are now widely and fruitfully used in classrooms throughout European schools , they are not used for the purposes commercial publishers expected .
3 One important non-European or only partly-European state whose position had long been ambiguous , the Ottoman empire , was now finally and firmly incorporated into European diplomacy .
4 Cave paintings , for example , are now generally and understandably seen as art , indeed in many of their examples as major art .
5 A former executive officer with the civil service working at the National Engineering Laboratory , East Kilbride , she was now physically and mentally handicapped .
6 A second element of the state system which requires investigation is the administrative one , which now extends far beyond the traditional bureaucracy of the state , and which encompasses a large variety of bodies , often related to particular ministerial departments , or enjoying a greater or lesser degree of autonomy public corporations , central banks , regulatory commissions , etc. and concerned with the management of the economic , social , cultural and other activities in which the state is now directly or indirectly involved .
7 The other factor we should also bear in mind is the great majority of the people are not only not interested , they 're basically hostile the whole business and I think that members may not have really noticed if they looked at the European newspaper , the highest ever figure , fifty three percent of all the people of Britain are now totally and completely opposed to the whole business of the E C , they do n't think it 's a good idea .
8 All pest control technicians are now well and truly plugged into the system , as all now operate the hand held PSIONS .
9 Again , our sincere apologies to John for our innocent complicity in this untruth , and let's hope that these stories are now well and truly quashed .
10 She had the disagreeable impression that she 'd now well and truly taken the bait , and was to provide entertainment accordingly .
11 I fear , however , that the Nava is now well and truly buried .
12 Kate looked up , her attention now well and truly caught .
13 After nearly 40 years ' work almost all are now fully and beautifully restored .
14 Finally , there is the castle 's secret history — Dover 's involvement in World War II , now vividly and dramatically displayed at Hellfire Corner .
15 I did several plays at Cheltenham in that lovely wedding cake of a theatre in Regent Street , now sadly and mundanely called ‘ The Everyman ’ .
16 No wonder Gazza was immediately mobbed by his disbelieving team-mates and no wonder Maradona , now mentally and physically battered and bruised at 32 , is happy to pass on his tainted crown to him .
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