Example sentences of "now [conj] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Suppose now that we introduce the rate of interest into the analysis and thus provide a link between the real and monetary sectors of the economy .
2 ‘ As the University is so pressurised for space we must make sure now that we get the best courses that we possibly can and that they will earn the income to justify their inception . ’
3 But there were also some very happy and amusing times , and I 'm so thankful now that we had the experience . ’
4 Now that we knew the line , we progressed quickly into the wild world of the seemingly blank walls and hanging stances that made up the meat of the route .
5 Now that we have the practice of dustmen only collecting plastic bags that you have to place outside your residence , you have to be sure that you are capable of doing that .
6 Now that we have the means to observe samples of language which must be fairly close to representative samples , the clear messages are : a ) We are teaching English in ignorance of a vast amount of basic fact .
7 Jason and I made a pact that we would n't discuss hairdressing at home unless we had to and we think that is even more important now that we have the baby .
8 Now that we have the front bed working and set to knit , the yarn that is not taken into the slip needle hook no longer forms a float , but is taken up by the opposite needle and is knitted whilst the slip needle still retains its original knitted stitch .
9 Now that we have the outline of an approach to the study of the meanings of words , we can turn our attention to the task of providing a more exact characterisation of the linguistic units which will form the objects of our study .
10 Well the fear of boring you because I 've said it before , I think that either a Trustee made up of an equal balance of members from the various interested groups which is very difficult to achieve in practice and additionally independent trustees certainly in our case , we believe would have stopped it happening because the movements in the direction it went was clear now that we have the information in front of us to the Trustees , it was quite clear what was gon na happen and nothing was done about it .
11 Now that we have the car we hope to make one or two trips at the weekend .
12 Mine eyes are dim now that they see the truth ,
13 Many people make their retirement the occasion for the ‘ holiday of a lifetime ’ , now that they have the time to indulge themselves .
14 It was the loveliest day imaginable now that she knew the name of Angel 's foster parents .
15 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
16 She would be more on her guard in future , however , now that she knew the unpredictable nature of the old lady 's malevolence .
17 Shelley had been watching them , amused at this family banter , knowing that it was no business of hers to stay , now that she knew the old man was all right .
18 Now that she had the money she needed , she was singing happily .
19 I can see now that she has the right to live her own life .
20 ‘ I mean — ’ Biff 's tongue was loosening now that he felt the pleasant glow of heat at the back of his skull .
21 Now that he had the information he needed , he might as well leave in any case .
22 She had hoped he might arrange to come and collect her now that he had the car — and now that things were , well , serious between them .
23 Now that he had the opportunity , Lucien was too embarrassed to speak .
24 But all that seemed almost like a simple happy life , now that he knew the real questions .
25 His courage had returned now that he knew the tiger was only proposing to gobble up his oxen , not him .
26 Now that he has the cocaine in his pocket , his confidence has returned .
27 McAleese has a new-found enthusiasm for the game now that he has the captain 's tag alongside his name , and was in irrepressible form last week when Ballymena hammered Hawick .
28 The sort of affair that would not be tolerated now that he held the stewardship of the Service .
29 At a meeting on 26th March 1860 , the Town Council met to elect its twelve trustees , now that it controlled the School .
30 He was on his way home — characteristically late , I realize , now that I keep the same office hours from the back blocks of the building where I am now sitting .
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