Example sentences of "no other [noun sg] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She told me , too , of the mines , and how some of the young boys were terrified of going down the pit for the first time , but had to go , as there was no other work for them ; and how at first they had been put to work beside their father , loading the coal he cut , until they had overcome their fear .
2 What on earth was she supposed to wear for this evening with Dane — this evening that was n't exactly a date , yet she could think of no other description for it ?
3 We can agree with him therefore that the Pioneers were wrong in their view that the abolition of workers ' rights , expressed as a bonus to labour , was a misdirection of the Movement — but wrong only because there was then no other direction for it to take .
4 Most people find that once they have owned one there is no other breed for them , ’ said Alicia .
5 But he is a pillock , he 's I mean she , Catherine right his cous Russell 's cousin she 's really pretty , she 's rea she 's got a lovely skinny figure , everything and he 's just a pillock , there 's no other word for him .
6 There is no other word for them .
7 As you probably know , Margaret perpetrated a huge fraud , I mean , there 's no other word for what she did .
8 All the tortured expressions that register on the face while the body is in the throes of an aerobic workout , so the theory runs , end up by leaving their mark in the form of — there 's no other word for it — wrinkles .
9 My first sight of it , and to a slightly lesser extent every subsequent sighting , was breathtaking — no other word for it .
10 Really there was no other word for it , though only he or Mervyn could have said it .
11 The restaurant has been turned back into a house — little expense spared and the quality of work by the local joiner is superb , no other word for it .
12 Ken may have been well into his thirties now , but he still saw things very much as he did as a youngster , as though the editor he had played in The Buccaneer had been reincarnated into the Kenneth Williams starring — and now there was no other word for it ; that was precisely what he was doing — in Share My Lettuce .
13 It was used , no other word for it .
14 It is it 's dirty , there 's no other word for it .
15 No other word for it .
16 A case might be made for this ( although there is no other evidence for it ) and so substantive interference in Ulpian 's text could be taken to be limited to generalization or to the addition of per omnia .
17 The difference between the studies may be explained by the fact that we adopted more stringent criteria for assessing H pylori state and also assessed gastric function only in H pylori negative patients with DU who had no other explanation for their ulcer disease .
18 There can be no other explanation for his asinine letter berating the formation of the Association of British Drivers ( ABD ) .
19 ‘ Theda , there is no other future for us , you must see that .
20 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
21 If the order goes ahead we take material A out of stock and since we have no other use for it we will not replace it — no cash flow .
22 no other solution for it .
23 Money acts as pure directed purpose , since there is no other reason for its existence except as a medium through which ends may be accomplished .
24 There is no other reason for their attraction to each other .
25 ’ She could think of no other reason for his appearance .
26 Her father was the greatest actor-manager since Irving ; she was proud to be taught by him , would as proudly appear in a part which left him , the great Asshe , with no other place for himself than that of Lord Capulet .
27 Sexually coarse — no other term for it — sexually coarse laughter sounded from the region of the raspberry canes , on the other side of the goldfish pool .
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