Example sentences of "no [noun sg] that [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It is reckoned no coincidence that leaders of the country 's communist party , who are close ANC allies , were in the forefront of the march against Ciskei .
2 It is no coincidence that expressions of the ‘ pro-Palestinian ’ and ‘ pro-Zionist ’ factions have occurred in rival publications at more or less the same time .
3 But it may be no coincidence that counts of Paris , Rouen , Senlis and Rheims are un-documented in Charles 's reign .
4 You must realise that Miss Merchiston loses no opportunity that offers of scolding me . ’
5 No wonder that women in their private relationships often mistake one set of characteristics for another : violence for strength , careerism for inner purposefulness , emotional distance for emotional balance , and sexual confidence for inner strength .
6 It is no wonder that Christians throughout the ages have said that by contemplating the Trinity they have found the ultimate essence , expression and exercise of happiness .
7 No wonder that comparisons between questionnaires on attitudes and direct observations of behaviour have produced few significant results : in one study , for example , there were fewer correlations between the two than one would expect by chance !
8 What with their incapacity to move onto proper City jobs , even occasionally to jobs in their own industry , it is no wonder that employees of many licensed dealers , temperamental at the best of times , were often driven to drink .
9 However , provided that the enforcement mechanism is there , Parliament has made no requirement that changes in the disciplinary regulations should be scrutinised by the statutory machinery or that existing disciplinary regulations , including any appellate jurisdiction , shall be so scrutinised .
10 There is no question that inequalities in health between rich and poor do exist and that poverty causes ill-health .
11 Doubts could arise only about matters of , as it were , taste , such as manners and morals , where simple quantitative accumulation provided no guidance There could be no question that men in 1860 knew more than ever before , but whether they were ‘ better ’ could not be demonstrated in the same way .
12 There is no evidence that memories of the school ever played much part in his life , or that he particularly enjoyed visiting it .
13 I am aware of no evidence that pupils with special educational needs are distributed unevenly across the country .
14 There is no evidence that reductions in public spending , as opposed to private consumption , would lead to increases in investment .
15 US scientists who have analysed the data claim that there is no evidence that temperatures in the lower atmosphere have increased significantly , as could have been expected if global warming were underway .
16 I have no doubt that companies in that area which have proven expertise will be in a strong position to win contracts on merit .
17 There is no doubt that difficulties of this sort mean that many true statements are not published , or else are the subject of apologies rather than defences .
18 There is no doubt that conditions in these towns , particularly in the first half of the nineteenth century , were dreadful but Professor Hoskins seems more anxious to apportion blame for this than to explain why it happened , which is perhaps more important .
19 There is no doubt that factors like these are important in what we may call the social ‘ life ’ of language , and they are implicated in many aspects of linguistic variation and change .
20 She is an advocate of single-sex education for girls , arguing that ‘ there is no doubt that girls as a whole achieve better results in this environment ’ .
21 There is no doubt that subjects in this study were more likely to recall the situations in which they had experienced risk .
22 As the available range of therapies and treatments grows , there is no doubt that opportunities for in-depth specialisation in supporting patients or clients grow with it .
23 There can be no doubt that pressures for more efficient use of our hill lands for food and timber production as well as towards safeguarding their unique contribution to other aspects of human welfare in conservation , amenity , recreation and other uses will continue to increase .
24 Professor Madeley said : ‘ There is no doubt that patients with a strong network of friends do better than those without . ’
25 There can be no doubt that crossings of the North Sea and the English Channel were being made ; the fifth century migrations and the international trade of the sixth and seventh centuries are clear testimonies to such sea journeys .
26 Given that Singer and his supporters deliberately cast the manifesto for animal liberation in the image of these two charismatic originals , to benefit from their impetus , it is no surprise that complaints about second-class citizenry , or unequal rights justifiably voiced on behalf of blacks and women , surface in the other arena of cats , dogs , apes , and dolphins .
27 Individual words are probably the most " mobile " parts of a language , so it should come as no surprise that words of Creole origin are used by blacks and whites within LE .
28 IT IS no surprise that workers at the main Leyland plant voted by four to one not to strike .
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