Example sentences of "no [noun sg] that [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Perhaps it 's no coincidence that some of your readings that have made the most indelible impression on your audiences have been of works like the Berg Three Orchestral Pieces , the Honegger Liturgique .
2 The characteristic PFLA data gave no indication that either of these organisms was present in the mud or the concretion .
3 Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson whose own title defence is in tatters , admitted : ‘ There are eight or so teams up there , but there is no indication that any of them are putting together the kind of run that looks ominous ‘ Blackburn showed the sort of confidence against us that comes from the feeling that you have got a chance .
4 ‘ The result is : ( 1 ) That this Act does not necessarily require anything to be done under it which might not be done without causing a nuisance ; ( 2 ) That as to those things which may or may not be under it , there is no evidence on the face of the Act that the legislature supposed it to be impossible for any of them to be done ( if they were done at all ) somewhere and under some circumstances , without creating a nuisance ; and ( 3 ) That the legislature has manifested no intention that any of these optional powers , as to asylums , should be exercised at the expense of , or so as to interfere with , any man 's private rights .
5 Certainly if players such as Edberg , involved in the final stages of the Australian Open , felt even remotely like I did after the 31 hours it took me to arrive home from Melbourne before leaving on another seven hour journey to Bayonne less than 24 hours later , then it is no wonder that many of them are unable to do justice either to themselves or their countries in Davis Cup competition , as things stand .
6 It is no accident that two of Jane Austen 's titles — Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice — should express symmetry and invoke proportion ; while two others — Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey — should not only be taken from houses , but can be read , respectively , as an apologia for Palladianism and a satire on the Gothic taste .
7 His profound psychological insight owed a great deal to a neurotic streak , and it was no accident that one of his contributions to subsequent technical terminology was the term Angst ( ‘ dread ’ ) , and that he published books with such titles as The Concept of Dread , Fear and Trembling and The Sickness unto Death .
8 Chris believes that it is no accident that many of the herbs which are associated with fish and cooking , such as parsley and fennel , grow better in places where fish have access to them .
9 It is no accident that many of the terms used in critical discourse — ‘ structure ’ , ‘ aspect ’ , ‘ outlook ’ , even ‘ character ’ — are related to domestic architecture ; or that the titles of so many great nineteenth-century novels were taken from the houses at their centre — Mansfield Park , Wuthering Heights , Bleak House , The Mill on the Floss .
10 On a video-film made at Highlander entitled ‘ Save our Land and People , ’ a variety of these groups speak to each other about their own problems and possible solutions , hopes and fears , and I think it is no accident that some of the most beautiful music and evocative songs which I have heard for a long time comes from these people .
11 These seem to be the topics that engage most of my time , and there is no evidence that any of them are freakish , minority interests .
12 All six bungs were sealed and there was no evidence that any of them had ever been damaged .
13 The Swiss outbreak is puzzling scientists , who can find no evidence that any of the 28 cows that have died so far of BSE have eaten any food originating in another European country , the usual route of infection .
14 Although both were linked to the PKI , there is no evidence that either of them had knowledge of the events leading to the coup .
15 ‘ There can be no guarantee that any of the options under consideration will actually save money , ’ he told a seminar for chief officers of Aberdeen District Council .
16 The short answer is ‘ YES ’ ; I had no idea that some of you were unaware of the commitment to the Society made by our Honorary Officers and Committee Members .
17 A further great grievance that exists in this force in the Division where I am is that the Section Sergeant dare not enter any Station while he is on duty unless he signs the main station book ; yet the plain clothes P.C.s and Detective Constables , and even uniform P.C.s can go into the Station as often as they think and there is no order that any of them must sign in and out .
18 My Lords , er , er , er no doubt that all of your Lordships have throughout the last hour and forty minutes felt a great deal of sympathy with the Noble Earl Lord
19 There is no doubt that many of the serious stall/spin accidents are caused by poor planning which leads to situations involving difficult manoeuvring near the ground , putting the pilots under stress so that they make mistakes or fly badly enough to stall and spin in .
20 Perhaps some of Dryden 's early readers objected to this presumption in him ; there is no doubt that many of Pound 's readers have felt affronted , and feel affronted still , by the authority he claims , the impatiently magisterial tone of much of his criticism .
21 There can be no doubt that many of those polled recently thought that it would sound nicer — or would somehow tease the pollsters — to say that they were voting Labour , when that was not their intention .
22 There is no doubt that it happens , no doubt that some child sex rings use forms of ‘ ritual ’ , no doubt that many of them produce child pornography , and no doubt that at the centre of some rings are extremely powerful men .
23 There is no doubt that many of its customers have used loans in cases where they would previously have use ( more costly ) HP a 1977 survey showed that 59 per cent of the loans it made were for motor vehicle purchase .
24 But there is no doubt that many of his generation did and do still appeal to the heroic myth .
25 The show was worthy of the Cambridge Footlights , and I have no doubt that some of the participants had been members of that renowned dramatic society .
26 And there is no doubt that some of these animals live lives of great awareness , and of emotion , too .
27 This is not to deny the value of such courses : they provide , at the very least , a sense of professional community and there is no doubt that some of the inspiration they generate carries over into practice .
28 Whatever the rights and wrongs of this issue , there is no doubt that some of the new colleges and institutes have found the process of CNAA validation a long and difficult one involving years of hard work and intensive planning .
29 But there is no doubt that some of these ideas are causing great disquiet among Branch Management and Staff .
30 If the Government had listened to the police and taken prompt action on any of those warnings — action for which they could have secured all-party support — I have no doubt that some of this summer 's tragedies would have been avoided .
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