Example sentences of "no [noun sg] that [noun] of " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It is reckoned no coincidence that leaders of the country 's communist party , who are close ANC allies , were in the forefront of the march against Ciskei .
2 It is no coincidence that expressions of the ‘ pro-Palestinian ’ and ‘ pro-Zionist ’ factions have occurred in rival publications at more or less the same time .
3 But it may be no coincidence that counts of Paris , Rouen , Senlis and Rheims are un-documented in Charles 's reign .
4 You must realise that Miss Merchiston loses no opportunity that offers of scolding me . ’
5 What with their incapacity to move onto proper City jobs , even occasionally to jobs in their own industry , it is no wonder that employees of many licensed dealers , temperamental at the best of times , were often driven to drink .
6 It 's no accident that loss of occupation and collapse of relationships , even marriages , often go hand in hand .
7 There is no evidence that memories of the school ever played much part in his life , or that he particularly enjoyed visiting it .
8 To make matters worse , there is no evidence that lack of spending by social services is compensated for by increased NHS spending , or vice versa ; indeed , the financial allocation seems just as likely to be low from both authorities , as it has been , for example , in the London Borough of Lambeth , or very good in both authorities , as traditionally has been the case in Newcastle .
9 There is no doubt that difficulties of this sort mean that many true statements are not published , or else are the subject of apologies rather than defences .
10 There is no doubt that part of the Catholic community in Britain reacted strongly to the destruction and damage of Catholic churches .
11 There is no doubt that part of the leadership role of a manager is to secure this harmony in his own section .
12 There 's no doubt that exaggeration of symptoms can become a powerful factor in pursuing compensation claims , and if bogus claims do create an RSI bandwagon , genuine cases will fail as a result .
13 ‘ We have no doubt that intensification of use can be a material change of use , whether it is or not depends upon the degree of intensification .
14 There is no doubt that sale of goods is the principal method by which legal ownership in goods can be transferred for value .
15 I have no doubt that obliteration of closed railways in some parts of the south of England has gone much further .
16 While this is seen within Total Communication programmes in education , there is no doubt that acceptance of BSL , ASL and so on offers the greatest hope for the development of effective education for deaf children .
17 There is no doubt that reform of the common agricultural policy must be carried out in a way which ensures that there is no discrimination against farmers in the United Kingdom .
18 Indeed , there is no doubt that control of French mainland ports was vitally important to the English , and that much diplomacy in the course of the war was concerned with securing and maintaining access to the use of their facilities .
19 There can be no doubt that crossings of the North Sea and the English Channel were being made ; the fifth century migrations and the international trade of the sixth and seventh centuries are clear testimonies to such sea journeys .
20 Individual words are probably the most " mobile " parts of a language , so it should come as no surprise that words of Creole origin are used by blacks and whites within LE .
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