Example sentences of "no [noun] they [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Should this approach receive no response they were to form joint anti-Fascist committees at a lower level " despite the leadership " .
2 Sony had given no indication they were working on — or intended to work on any electronic stills camera . ’
3 No wonder they are retreating .
4 No wonder they are losing patience .
5 No wonder they 're called blackouts . ’
6 No wonder they 're sending him over to the mad house for th ’ electric . ’
7 no wonder they 're selling them
8 No wonder they were getting a raw deal .
9 No wonder they were giving me funny looks ! ’
10 Negative evidence confirms the impression that educated Russians had no notion they were approaching a watershed .
11 If you 've got ten people I mean there 's no guarantee they 're gon na work as well you .
12 Sails began splitting with the sound of gunfire , and with no spares they were sewn up in situ — an incredibly dangerous task in a full gale .
13 If there was no improvement they were given treatment B : 30 mg daily for week three and 20 mg daily for week four .
14 There must have been dozens of them in our back garden by the time I was seven , though my parents had no idea they were living next to a bird cemetery .
15 we 've got no proof they were labelled deliveries or
16 ‘ One of the most remarkable quartets I have ever encountered ; I have no doubt they are destined for greatness . ’
17 although no doubt they are doing the best they can for you Mr , erm , but I mean that 's why , that 's what I was putting to you at the beginning .
18 ‘ We may be looking at a racial motive , but there is no doubt they were copying the other carjackings . ’
19 But Europe 's governing body left them in no doubt they were wasting their time by replying : ‘ It 's just not possible . ’
20 It may well be that his nocturnal anxieties began on hearing the nightly ministrations by which his father was nursed — to a young boy , eerie and mysterious , doubtless at times frenetic ; no doubt they were exacerbated after his death , as sorrow and loss impinged .
21 Apparently they feared the burning timbers more than the bullets , but no doubt they were feeling some reaction after more than four hours in action : four hours of dodging snipers ' bullets and bursting open doors that all too often concealed a rifleman who fired , while around the houses a grenade could be dropped from any window .
22 No doubt they were helped by the government 's needs for revenue in the period of the wars against Louis XIV , but neither this nor the nominal prohibition of textile imports from India in 1720 caused the Company or the Indian textile trade much trouble .
23 I can see no way they are linked with this .
24 With three hundred and sixty SQL Servers , there 's no way they 're going to have a D B A in every store .
25 But Paul says : ‘ There 's no way they 're coming they just want to go for the ale ! ’
26 But it 's getting now there 's there 's no way they 're gon na take you .
27 ‘ I wanted them to understand that there was no way they were going to get Kim , ’ he said .
28 Even if she did tell them the whereabouts of the Grimoire , there was no way they were going to spare her or Julie .
29 But there was no way they were going to drag that out of me .
30 They 're going for promotion and there was no way they were going to lose a 2-goal lead .
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