Example sentences of "no [noun] [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 And now the effort would be wasted , since its subject was in no condition to be either offended or amused .
2 It wo n't do him no harm to be out of his mother 's apron-strings fer a bit longer .
3 She has no business to be there , but this is the way the story goes — ( And Serafine sighs . )
4 Now then , you see , all these things in this carrier , they 've no business to be in .
5 They claimed that she was not yet sixteen and so could not marry and hence had no right to be here .
6 ‘ Of course , this villa has no right to be here , ’ Nigel told them , ‘ but since it is we must save it for future generations to enjoy . ’
7 ‘ Now you know I 've no right to be here , ’ she said , ‘ I want you to know what 's waiting for me if ever I get taken back .
8 You have no right to be here .
9 In this country , even some of our popular newspapers have attacked all asylum seekers as cheats who have no right to be here .
10 It felt as though the tree he was sitting in and the green leaves all around him belonged to another world altogether and that he was a trespasser who had no right to be where he was .
11 They 'd no right to be there .
12 And I can promise you that more than one of them has no right to be there .
13 No-one stared at Ellie as if she had no right to be there .
14 It has no right to be there and if you will take my advice you will tell Frank Coven to take it out of that window and back to the bank as fast as he can . ’
15 The first of the scientific staff to arrive would probably be Clifford Bradley , the Higher Scientific Officer in the Biology Department , scurrying through the hall as if he had no right to be there , with his anxious hunted eyes and that stupid , drooping moustache , so preoccupied that he hardly noticed their greeting .
16 There was something in his face that had no right to be there , and the fact that it was so unexpected made it hard for her to recognise ; but recognise it she did , and its presence bewildered her .
17 He felt that Woolley had no right to be so contemptuous , so damaging ; Killion alone could not have stopped a bombing raid ; besides , had n't he just destroyed two , maybe three of the enemy ?
18 No need to be particularly careful at such short range .
19 Marjorie was looking forward to her freedom ; no need to be up at seven o'clock to go to work , no rushing back to make the tea .
20 Although there will be occasions around November 4 and 14 when you feel let down , there 's no need to be completely negative .
21 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
22 No need to be constantly laying down her book in case Mrs Braithwaite should catch her reading and name her " studious ' again .
23 ‘ And there 's no need to be so nervous .
24 Aunt Emily said , There is no need to be so stiff , my dear . ’
25 ‘ So there 's no need to be so prickly … ’
26 ‘ There 's no need to be so schoolgirlishly polite . ’
27 ‘ There 's no need to be so insufferably rude , ’ she countered angrily .
28 ‘ There 's no need to be so independent , ’ he said with mild reproof .
29 I know I 'm no end of a brute , and roar like a bear when I lose my temper , but there 's no need to be quite so distressed by my presence .
30 There is no need to be too precise about temperature , but blood heat is about right .
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