Example sentences of "more [adj] [conj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fitness requirements have altered dramatically in the last five years and the recent law changes make it even more imperative that players be fitter , more mobile and faster around the pitch .
2 The screens should be removed from the reception desk to make it more friendly and less like a bank .
3 When this logic was applied to the lower ranks of the armed forces it also carried the gloss that these men were less capable of intellectual control , being more animal and closer to nature .
4 WITH THIS week 's hike in interest rates , homebuyers should be more careful than ever about advertisements for mortgages with seemingly low rates of interest .
5 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
6 of getting i the some sort of a working a relationship a at a more detailed where in between , we 're between the staff the teaching staff and the tutor , the form tutors help the teaching staff , especially and say in your department where you you 're gon na have to give them more homework .
7 As a result , economists are much more interested than before in correcting inefficiencies by reducing the costs of doing business ; pursuing efficiency through cleverer and more ambitious regulation is definitely out of fashion .
8 He became more interested than ever in this beautiful young man , Dorian Gray .
9 But at least she did not squint and his cast seemed more noticeable than ever in the morning , as if sleeping refreshed it .
10 Whether it will be better or worse no-one can tell at the moment , but the hands on the reins of administration will be more varied , more democratic and more in tune with the times — at least that 's the theory for this huge volte in the face of what has gone before .
11 We are now at a point in this evolution where , I believe , the climate is more favourable than hitherto to cooperation between linguists and educationalists .
12 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
13 He thought that this was ‘ kinder , more humane and more in keeping with informed medical opinion . ’
14 Perhaps the artists in this exhibition and book are united by only one thing other than that they have made use of some aspect of photographic technology : most of them are more likely than not to be familiar with the ideas of the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard .
15 The counter is more likely than not to be manufactured by an enemy country , but it could be manufactured by the same country , even by the same company !
16 In Italy and Spain , in Russia and the United States , in China and Latin America , it was more likely than not to be a region of social ferment and occasional explosion .
17 Their second defeat in four days by a London club means that a quick return to the present Second Division is more likely than ever for the First Division 's bottom team .
18 Fired with enthusiasm for the new Europe on his return flight over the North Sea , Fuhrer Kinnock , as he is known in the German press , seemed more frustrated than ever at being out of office at such a momentous time .
19 The application of monoclonal antibody research in medicine is more widespread than just in the treatment of cancer .
20 The argument that structures of such scale and uniformity must be the work of the Danish monarchy is difficult to resist , and so they have to be added to the features at Jelling , the renewal of the Danevirke , and the bridge at Ravning , as evidence of a burst of building activity under Harald Bluetooth all the more remarkable because quite without parallel in the history of the Danish monarchy in the Viking Age .
21 Despite the disquiet at the club this year , Mr Stringer still appears more relaxed and more in control than he did when he first took charge in that winter of 1987 .
22 And now he began to be more devout than ever in his prayers , more ardent in divine contemplations , more frequent in his vigils , more energetic in exhortations and in works worthy of imitation and more frequent in preaching ; thus becoming a pattern in word and deed of a holy life to all , Rich in the bowels of compassion , he relieved everyone who sought his assistance .
23 We believe that St Albans er has a traffic problem facing it in recent years , two or three year 's ago at the height of activity er the problems facing it were were more obvious and along with that situation er there 's no question about that and one might be forgetting to thinking the problem and not the way it has n't , it will return now , we know it will be return and therefore we should be firm in our resolve and at some point in time in the future that problem must be addressed sensibly for the good of the people of St Albans .
24 Saddam is now more reliant than ever on other clans , which do not think they would survive his overthrow .
25 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
26 Indeed , the bitterness of separation was more terrible than before for those who had lost the belief that an afterlife would bring reunion in happiness .
27 It is now more feasible than ever for organisations to switch from their expensive proprietary machines to lower-cost Unix computers .
28 The whole momentum of the 1984 Act , with its emphasis on detention , interrogation , and confessions , has made the right to silence more vulnerable than ever to allegations that it is out of date , too favourable to criminals , and anachronistic .
29 His security undermined , he was now more vulnerable than ever to Mauve 's voice and its cutting edge , to his cold eyes , the touch of condescension .
30 Hewlett-Packard pitched into the downsizing battle with a vengeance last week with the launch of new top-end multi-processors claimed to be more powerful than up to 85% of IBM 's installed base of mainframe systems — and in a supporting role gathered together an impressive list of mainframe specialist software houses committed to support the machines .
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