Example sentences of "more [adj] [conj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1920s America had witnessed some of the problems of the modern world that was emerging after the First World War ; the confusions and uncertainties that revealed themselves became more acute as prosperity suddenly came to an end in 1929 .
2 Were members to pass it as it stood , this would be an arrogant move indeed : they would be considering themselves to be more sensible than people outside .
3 More grist has filled the pessimists ' mill in the years since the Joint Declaration , as Peking has grown more assertive and London more timid .
4 Additionally , his father 's side of the family were very enthusiastic adherents of the British Empire and in addition to their being ( as Leonard preferred to call them ) ‘ gentlemen of Hebrew persuasion , ’ they were perhaps more British in some respects than the British themselves , recalling what Hugh MacLennan said in his superb novel of the period , The Two Solitudes : ‘ The French are Frencher than France and the English are more British than England ever dared to be . ’
5 Y yes chair it 's all about relative accessibility and simply improving roads more distant from Leeds will make them relatively more accessible but not more accessible than locations closer to Leeds .
6 Indeed , knowledge was more limited and collections generally smaller when the schemes were devised , and so an analytic approach to classification would have been less appropriate than it is today .
7 the possibility of deliberate , purposeful social improvement and I think it 's much more straightforward than people generally suggest .
8 In respect of duration , the EC Commisssion has suggested that , as a general rule , five years will be a reasonable period where both goodwill and know-how are transferred but that two years is more appropriate where goodwill alone is transferred .
9 Women are more likely than men both not to be members of such schemes and to work for employers without them .
10 Subsequent investigators have attempted to read deep , allegorical , psychological , and even transcendental meanings into the book ; it is more likely that Stoker merely intended to write a popular horror story by taking an ancient legend , placing it in a contemporary setting , and garnishing his tale with blood , thunder , and damsels in distress .
11 Of course it is more likely that women rather than men would be in a position to offer such assistance ( Anderson , 1971 , pp. 139–44 ) .
12 Immature more rufous than adult especially below , paler than immature Bonelli 's Eagle .
13 Plumage more rufous and head usually paler than most buzzards , also has pale patch on underwing , which Buzzard may have too , but Black Kite does not .
14 So the seasons passed , and Aunt Louise grew more sleepy and conversation almost impossible ; it had been a limited conversation at best .
15 Evidence that total androgen blockade ( castration plus an androgen antagonist ) is more effective than castration alone has not been confirmed in two other trials .
16 And now street pushers are peddling impure tablets which could be even MORE deadly than Ecstasy alone .
17 Oh : car of menace , car of blight Cars the atmosphere ignite Greenhouse warming , Havoc forming Parkinson must see us right We 're au fait with entropy Gaia , Ecosphere , synergy Words for greening But their meaning 's A linguistic mystery Oh : politicians must invent Worship of environment Genuflecting by reflecting Words of verdant bafflement Now our water 's unfit to drink Too much aluminium and zinc No solution To pollution No-one can stand the stink Oh : public filth and pestilence Highlights private opulence Does the glitter , clear the litter All it needs is pounds and pence GOD REST YE MERRY God rest ye merry , gentle Greens Let nothing you dismay The much foretold apocalypse Is now well under way Not even Mr Gorbachev Can stop the world 's decay Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh , tidings of comfort and joy We ca n't eat meat or hens or fish The farming is too cruel The only food we now permit Is foul organic gruel Irradiated food and veg Now double up as fuel Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now everybody wants a car Though noise and fumes are vile The Iron Curtain fractures and The jams stretch back for miles Mobility and liberty Can not be reconciled Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy We think that greenhouse warming will Bring on the world 's demise If forests burn it 's not just trees but mankind too that fries But all this may be garbage Because scientists tell lies Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Consumers must buy less to reach Sustainability For galloping consumption is More lethal than TB So much for Third World dreams of fleeing Grinding poverty Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Unless we stop producing kids The planet will not cope No hope for birth controllers short of Kidnapping the Pope But since the Greens recycle people they May turn us into soap Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy In searching for clean energy The choice is pretty stark The floods that come when coal is burnt will keep us in the Ark But had Lord Marshall got his way We 'd all glow in the dark Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Dumb animals are much preferrred To flawed humanity Ill-treatment of old people may Provoke insanity But culling seals and whales is judged The worst profanity Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now Mrs Thatcher goes bright green A highly suspect hue Her policies have after all Kept filth and squalor blue It 's just another way she 's found To tell us what to do Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy With greenhouse gases , PCBs Sulphuric acid rain This fragile globe 's environment Is going down the drain It is a cosmic punishment That we ca n't start again Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Melanie Phillips OVERNIGHT FILE
18 See , if you sort of somehow trellis that area , that side in you could actually have this mo more intimate if people just wanted
19 Space is often more important than type so do n't pack the lines too closely together .
20 But Lamarck 's followers were far more numerous than historians once believed , and they continued to argue that a serial relationship was apparent in the animal kingdom , at least in the arrangement of the main classes .
21 When children arrived , matters became even more complicated and ultimatley more tragic .
22 Unlike a machine that breaks down with use , we become stronger , more flexible and age more slowly if every muscle and joint is used frequently .
23 Indeed the former corporate raider would not be drawn on any specifics , even by questioners more illustrious than Management Today .
24 Rut , when all had been done to make provision more level and selection more scientific , a stubborn error of 10 per cent would remain .
25 Let us suppose , that is to say , that B is not more precise than A. Then , we may ask , is A more precise than B ?
26 What these contradictions add up to is the paradoxical point that the ‘ frozen moment of loveliness is more dynamic than the fluid world of reality only because it is frozen ’ , that art is more vivid than life only because it is not alive .
27 Strict conventionalism seems more eligible than unilateralism precisely because it is bilateral .
28 David Thomson , who found the film ‘ gratuitous , misogynist , pretentious and repellent ’ , remarked about Hoffman that ‘ his adoption of violence at the climax is the more troubling because Peckinpah never seems to have explained its need to the gentle and perplexed actor .
29 Prices are more competitive and counterparties more widely available .
30 Mescaline and LSD make colours seem more intense and time much slower ; the reverberations are stronger and the conscious present lasts longer .
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