Example sentences of "more [adj] [conj] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She is not any more upset than she has been .
2 Their condition feels more normal than it has ever done before .
3 CS : ‘ You can say all you like , but it 's clear that soul music is more popular than it has ever been , worldwide . ’
4 Well , he was more interested than he has been given credit for , and he had a wonderful collection of eighteenth-century English books which he gave to Trinity College , Cambridge .
5 He will be even more fortunate if he has his conviction quashed , since there was against him an open-and-shut case under section 15 .
6 Despite his defeat , Labour is more homogeneous than it has ever been .
7 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
8 Inside Newark 's award-winning display hangar , Prentice T.1 VR249 is receiving a repaint , the silver finish achieved being all the more remarkable because it has been rollered on , not sprayed .
9 The recent liberalization of legal services which allows more people to do conveyancing may make it even more important than it has been hitherto .
10 Large or small , a home is always more saleable if it has gas central heating .
11 Human beings may become redundant , but the penis will be more essential than it has ever been .
12 Landscape painting is flourishing in Scotland today , artists resident , their subject matter possibly more valued than it has ever been with so much ‘ green ’ and wilderness awareness .
13 Local government has become more professionalized but it has also become more bureaucratic .
14 While this makes it easier for the acoustic-phonetic component to guarantee the inclusion of the target phoneme , the task of the syntax/semantic component is made considerably more difficult since it has to choose from many more word candidates .
15 One of the dangers of the current climate for admission , which makes it more difficult than it has been in recent years for students to get into universities , is that the concentration is on the techniques of application , rather than on what lies behind the mechanical process .
16 and what I was a really impressed with he , he balanced the , the human , what he felt were the human strengths of the school what it felt like you know , what the people were like in it and erm I think that 's made his decision more difficult because he has n't just gone on the ec the academic side of it he looked at the , the all round aspects of it .
17 But the horizon no longer has any black skies , and it looks more forgiving than it has at any point until now .
18 The new non-socialist party looks more agreeable than it has done for 20 years .
19 This is more expensive but it has a particular advantage in television coverage .
20 For such cream cheeses moulds are not strictly necessary , although the cheese looks more presentable if it has been pressed in a muslin-lined basket , a heart-shaped mould , a cake tin pierced with holes , even an expendable carton or a flower pot — always provided that the essential lining is not forgotten .
21 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
22 All that might have made Mr Kohl even more overbearing than he has been in recent weeks , to the dismay of West Germany 's allies and neighbours .
23 ‘ It seems to me that everyone thinks he 's ill merely because he is less rude and rather more bearable than he has been in the past , ’ the head said irritably .
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