Example sentences of "more [adj] [conj] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 However , atherosclerosis appears to be more extensive and to develop at an earlier age in diabetic patients ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
2 It 's probably no more pleasant than living at the centre of some large , dirty , crime-ridden city .
3 She spoke and understood more English than had at first appeared but it seemed to be English she had got from the Kettering children , so she was easily understood by Jacqueline who would run to her , climb on to her lap , whenever the maid sat down for a moment and stay there silent and apparently overawed .
4 Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight .
5 It also brought Victorian attitudes dictating that dancing lessons in dance schools were more acceptable than dancing at large public Assemblies .
6 I wished I had been more patient and stayed at the witchdoctor 's .
7 The traditional explanation is that all mothers with colicky babies — regardless of what sort of people they are or what else is happening in their lives — suddenly become more confident and relaxed at this point .
8 The study also found that some pollutants are far more damaging when released at higher altitudes .
9 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
10 Any gas appliance is more efficient when operating at full load , which is not the case with most central heating boilers when providing only hot water heating .
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