Example sentences of "than when she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Gray was more relaxed now than when she had received Theodora a couple of hours ago and Theodora gave herself up to the pleasure of walking through the church yard to the church door .
2 Now , about to cross , she saw that it was swirling much more swiftly than when she had crossed before and fallen in .
3 At first she did n't recognise him , he was so much taller , so much gawkier than when she had seen him last .
4 Nevertheless , she still weighed more than when she had floated in Witwaterstrand .
5 Rather more docile than when she had entered , Frau Nordern agreed that she would give notice , ample notice , more than enough notice to make sure that they had the room and raised her glass in salute as the manager beamed on Erika and then withdrew to welcome the first of his evening guests , stout , prosperous looking men in heavy dark suits : officials , with their wives .
6 To lose her now was going to be ten times worse than when she had left her at the Foundling Hospital , and she was making herself ill with worry .
7 The sitting-room was tidier than when she had left it .
8 She returned his kiss , but declined firmly to join him at the Allied Steelmakers ' annual dinner ( carriages eleven-thirty ) , saying she would actually rather go to the cinema with a girlfriend , and tripped out of the office looking considerably less harassed than when she had arrived .
9 Her voice , her body , her smell were as familiar to him as his own , but essentially he knew no more about her now than when she had arrived .
10 They walked together towards the street , her body heavy but her heart lighter than when she had come .
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