Example sentences of "than she [modal v] [vb infin] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Alyssia glanced up at him , disliking him even more than she would have imagined possible .
2 His words hurt her more deeply than she would have imagined .
3 While all went well she could maintain a fine independence , but when the order threatened to change , she was more affected than she would have believed possible .
4 Much laughter and badinage arose out of trying to outdo each other , block each other 's moves , and the evening passed more swiftly than she would have believed possible .
5 Anne Hammond 's courageous acceptance of the cruel hand fate had dealt her had moved her far more than she would have believed possible , the more so because it only seemed to emphasise her own feeling of helplessness .
6 Leonora settled down to her breakfast in a better frame of mind than she would have believed possible the day before .
7 One minister , asked to distinguish between the way Mr Major led the review and the way Mrs Thatcher might have behaved , says : ‘ He interfered more — and more often — and earlier — than she would have done . ’
8 And once broken , once the grief and tears had begun , it would take some little time for her to recover , although now that she had faced what had happened she might do so more quickly and easily than she would have done had she continued suppressing her memories , and refusing healthy grieving .
9 A Brazilian lucky enough to earn the minimum wage must work four times longer now for a basic food ration than she would have done in 1959 .
10 Her make-up she had purposely applied slightly more heavily than she would have done during the day , silver-grey shadow adding emphasis to her eyes , a touch of blusher for her cheeks , lipstick .
11 It was perhaps a bit thicker than she would have liked , but the weight was about right .
12 Dithering nervously with the colour-coded translucent cube-sleeves watching her intrusion , it took her longer than she would have liked to calm down enough to start .
13 Penny would have known more wives from the Agency and from the Bureau than she would have met wives from the Service .
14 ‘ It may be so , ’ said Joan lightly , more wounded by the suggestion than she would have admitted .
15 There were more wreaths than she would have expected and the flowers were already wilting in the merciless sun .
16 There were enough provisions here to feed her for a week — and in far more luxury than she would have dreamt of buying for herself .
17 Louisa was held by those urgent eyes , drawn more deeply than she would have wished into the darkness behind .
18 Out of bed , it was colder than she would have thought possible , the temperature of Russia when nights are coldest there .
19 He still had n't said anything to her bald accusation , and suddenly she needed his reply more than she would have thought possible .
20 He recovered far more quickly than she would have thought possible for such a big man , but the drag on her arm nearly pulled it out of its socket .
21 Her grandfather 's death had affected her more than she would have thought possible .
22 She was enjoying herself so much that she stayed on the floor longer than she should have done and it was only when she saw Mrs Freer making furious faces at her from the doorway that she turned and glided back .
23 She let it rest for longer than she should have done and then moved slightly away .
24 But it was no more than she should have expected .
25 There were a few anxious moments , but as soon as I pulled on the glove she came straight at me , low and very fast indeed , much swifter of course than she could have done if she had still been carrying the equipment .
26 In any case , as a result of the growing emphasis on patrilineal descent in all aristocratic families , even the noblest of wives could do less for an eleventh-century lord than she could have done for his grandfather .
27 And it was working better than she could have hoped .
28 Everything was working out more easily than she could have hoped .
29 It was worse than she could have imagined .
30 Earth was more beautiful than she could have imagined ; it did n't seem fair when everyone was out to kill her .
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