Example sentences of "about the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , Comrade Fay is permanently indignant about the insidious threats of the socalled right-wing to the so-called left-wing about white people who do n't like the un-white people who listen to Tracy Chapperson ; about the legit community police forces like the Guardian Angels and generally about anyone who was n't in ‘ The Commitments ’ or anyone who thinks that the political line in Christy Moore records is puke .
2 Finally , there are simple conventions that need explaining : not all pupils will know that the two words printed at the head of a page tell you something about the alphabetic range of the words on that page .
3 But what happens in these clouds is that certain parts of them , certain areas of the cloud start to collapse , and as they collapse the temperature rises and the collapse increases , and as the temperature rises through a thousand to a million degrees we find that these are the regions where stars form , and it is really the major discovery , as far as astronomy is concerned , of the radio research that we now know a lot more about the early stages of star formation .
4 Following a short interview about the further offence , the officer whom he had requested to see told him that he could not ask him any questions about the early offence for which he had already been charged but said that he could make a statement if he wished .
5 Morton Smith had disclosed his findings about the early church in The Secret Gospel , following it with his controversial portrait in Jesus the Magician .
6 The discovery of even a few of these objects could tell us much about the early history of the Solar System , perhaps more than we would learn from the elusive ( or illusory ) Planet X. Gerald D. Quinlan is at the Lick Observatory , University of California , .
7 A new book ( to be published in July by HMSO ) written by Mrs Olive M Geddes of the Library 's Manuscripts Division will fascinate anyone who is curious about the early history of golf .
8 One of the most significant and suggestive points about the early history of the office is that until late in the period under consideration nearly all the Muftis held the office until their deaths , that there were very few resignations or removals .
9 IMPORTANT discoveries have been made about the early history of Glasgow Cathedral during recent archaeological excavations .
10 The talks raised hopes about the early signing of an Estonian-Russian free trade agreement .
11 He has also been asked to play the lead in an Italian mini-series about the early life of Mussolini , a story which traces the Italian dictator 's transition from humble socialist mine worker to the power-mad founder of the fascist Blackshirts .
12 They include Body and Soul , a series about a disillusioned nun , and Head over Heels , a Fifties drama about the early days of rock 'n' roll .
13 The strangest feature about the early triumphs of liberalism at Cadiz is the absence of any consistent conservative opposition to the enactments of a political philosophy based on the constituent powers of the sovereign people .
14 Perhaps they reflect nothing at all except the accidents of conception : but I suspect that there is often , in fact , a buried clue here , and that if we could unearth it we should know something about the early growth of many market towns that no documents will ever tell us .
15 The survey also made me realise that it was not enough to have read about the early beginnings of any religion ; one needed to study it as a living faith and see the development of thought and interpretation .
16 So he told her a little about the early months of the war ; of the friendship and the camaraderie , of the optimistic feeling of the times .
17 This hint of planning poses as yet unanswerable questions about the early impetus towards urban development .
18 Given Bolshevik interest in obscuring the truth about this struggle , libertarians see no cause for surprise that ‘ we know less today about the early weeks of the Russian Revolution [ i.e. after October ] than we do , for instance , about the history of the Paris Commune . ’
19 These examples are from Meon Villas ; not the cheapest company around , but with about the best choice of villas and apartments on the Algarve and , because it is largely a family-run company , it has an excellent reputation for looking after its customers ( 0730 66561 ) .
20 Thirty pupils from Lark 's Rise primary school were given a green tour of the store to see how they protect the environment , but Laura , Gregory and Rose were clear about the best part of their day .
21 Having consulted the therapists about the best type of activity to choose for the patient , you may be able to work out how best to interest and amuse the patient through your knowledge of what he enjoyed doing before his stroke or head injury .
22 Each request for assessment will be ‘ screened ’ by an experienced member of staff and a decision made about the best type of assessment to be offered , by whom and when .
23 The hostel staff advised us about the best areas for walking , and also arranged for the essential guide , to keep us on the right path and to protect us from the buffalo .
24 Conventionalism does not deny that many lawyers hold rival views about the best interpretation of the practice they share .
25 Two lawyers are likely to differ about the best interpretation of the practices of legislation or precedent in a particular case because their general political and moral convictions differ .
26 John at teatime is talking to veteran D J Paul about the best records of all time and musician Edward who 's playing at the Old Vic tonight , he 's on as well .
27 The pupil with sight defects should be encouraged to contribute to discussion about the best presentation of material for his individual needs , as well as the most useful visual aids to use for independent study .
28 Bitter controversy about the best way of saving the tower caused long delays .
29 Some use an unseen ‘ expert ’ , who talks about the best way of propagating plants with polysyllabic Latin names .
30 You need to be aware of all the possibilities in order to make a realistic decision about the best way of securing your long-term employment and financial position .
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