Example sentences of "about it [conj] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We think it might be voles , we think it could be squirrels , we do n't seriously think it 's anything bigger but I 'm afraid we do n't think there 's anything you can do about it but if you want further investigation then if you send these objects to Fred care of the programme , he will give you a personal diagnosis .
2 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
3 I 'd read all about it but when you 've actually got it , it 's horrible .
4 I was laughing about with er what 's , I 'm gon na write er a note to my chi er letter to my children for , you know , before very long no good thinking about it , well you would n't think about it after when it 's too late , but my kids have been a you know a great comfort the four from my first Joan , Joan has too , she 's been a dear but we had the same problems when she was getting older .
5 I agree what Rita asked for which was that it should all be archived in a central divisional higher , and I am taking it that they I think that the way we generally go about it that when we do n't get an enquiry erm , or when we do n't get a commission we keep a copy of it with the documents for a reasonable period of time .
6 Well , we did n't have a discussion about it because as you can imagine , the , the three
7 He seemed bright enough and very eager to learn , but when I went to the school to see his work I found that his handwriting was very , very bad and his spelling was absolutely atrocious , and although he was good at mathematics , as time went on he began to get very worried and very upset about it and when I looked at his work I realized that he was doing a lot of the words back to front and was getting the direction of figures mixed up .
8 But that 's gon na take about five or six years to come to frui fruition because all the er chief constables are talking about it and if anything works slowly it 's chief constables .
9 As I blundered on in my explanation I realised he had forgotten all about it and if I had kept my mouth shut the problem need never have arisen .
10 The Indianapolis 500 is one of those races with a special mystique about it and if you talked to Mario about that one victory , he would admit the sheer joy of victory , ‘ going from chump to champ ’ in three hours , he called it in his autobiography .
11 He said , " I 've talked to Mum about it and if you do n't want to get married then no one is going to force you to .
12 Really what we 're doing after are they prepared to talk about it if when you by consent let me carry on talking when you do n't have a leading question .
13 I start talking about it as though you know
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