Example sentences of "about it [conj] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But they 're horrible about it so you do n't do it again .
2 How would you work that out , sort of talk about it before you get started .
3 If you have a question about acting , think about it before you ask it .
4 What I want you to do is in your couples I want one of you to pretend that one of you 's got a grievance okay , think about it before you do it .
5 The issues became purely the military , the political and the humane problem of what you were going to do about it once you had it . ’
6 Anyhow , think about it but you know , I mean , plenty of time .
7 Fact is , Harrison , I know no more about it than you do .
8 Get them involved pro-actively as opposed to letting them sit there and snide at you cos they know more about it than you do .
9 Steve mentioned , you know , to put fifteen , twenty pounds a month into it erm and you said well we 'll come back to that later which I think on the face of it is probably er a right way of going about it cos you did n't get interrupted at that stage talking about a specific product so I think that was er that was good .
10 An idea used by both a leading paint manufacturer on the introduction of a new type of paint and a hair product manufacturer on the launch of a new shampoo and which could be adapted to quite a number of other fields was based on the headline " Do n't write about it until you 've tried it . "
11 That 's right , I mean , again , it 's one of those things , it 's in the benefits package , if you work for a company , you do n't want to know about it until you need to claim .
12 I 'm sorry about it because you know , how I feel about the medical profession and the nursing
13 You just have n't heard about it because you 've been too busy . ’
14 I 'm not really worried about it to be honest I 'm not worried about any of them , I thought I would actually be erm I 'm actually , we 're under a lot of pressure at the moment but I 'm not actually , usually when I 'm like that it 's all gone I tend to say well forget about it and you know run away from it kind of thing ,
15 about it and you know how we were n't very , cos everybody said oh we 'd like one of those , cos they 're so easy .
16 Present your recommendations to him and he 'll say well yeah I 'd like to think about it and you go off then oh fair enough then so you go back to the branch and the second becomes a third
17 People talk about it and you learn , and you might do it when you get out .
18 ‘ We 'll just stop talking about it if you please ! ’
19 now just think about it if you go out of your front door
20 Er I could go on at great length about it if you wish me to but I 'm sure you do n't .
21 ‘ Very well , then , ’ she said , ‘ talk about it if you think you must . ’
22 If you think about it if you think about it I 've probably
23 I thought they were in every pool like , you can m even do it yourself without thinking about it if you want some people
24 That 's what you 'd think about it if you look at it as a piece of morphology , the shell shape — it turns out to be all one species with gene flow , hybridization right across the lot .
25 All it is , is where the head of the femur is not correctly positioned in the hip socket and the proper name for the hip socket , you 'll see in your books is acetabulum This is definitely a condition which is familiar as a fam a family tendency and if you think about it if you have a , a , a big hip socket your children are likely to have big hip sockets it 's a family
26 Why talk about it if you do n't know ? ’
27 Er again it 's a sort of you know like that form that format do n't worry about it if you do it , it 's just that sometimes people will say it 's the change of gesture .
28 Planting one rose or a hundred makes no difference — you have to think about it if you value your garden .
29 Think about it as you uncoil your ropes on the little apron of slab below Eagle 's Nest Direct , the polished holds stained running-track crimson from the countless pairs of boots that have deposited reddish mud from Great Hell Gate Scree and Needle Gully onto the rock .
30 You can be as serious about it as you want to be .
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