Example sentences of "about [Wh adv] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But before I talk in more detail about how we hope to raise this money let me spend a little time explaining why I feel that this appeal is so vital to children everywhere .
2 I was erm i quite sickened actually by the fact that that Princess Anne comes on the television and talks about how we have to give our lunch to save starving people when you think your one royal lunch would probably pay the third world of some
3 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
4 Roger suddenly launched into this discussion about how they 'd identified the need for someone to join the team with a view to becoming a main board member ; this person would effectively release him from a lot of the day-to-day public company responsibilities and the accounting , reporting and auditing areas , so that he could focus on being part of the entrepreneurial team , organising financing and liaising with the City .
5 I was quite surprised about how they get dressed .
6 For the rest of the drive , she chatted about Jay , about how they had met , the things they had done together .
7 But I was surprised by their looks , as they came through the airlock — enough to keep me from being puzzled , then , about how they had crossed from their pod to my ship without space suits .
8 Some of them had found making love an enjoyable experience but others talked about how they had found sex an anti-climax , especially the first time .
9 In announcing the large fines for conspiracy to steal , Judge Brooks said he had listened to the account given to the court of the information given to the police by both defendants about how they had committed the fraud and had put some of the proceeds in foreign bank accounts .
10 Sylvia Cox was talking yesterday about how they 've had to double the staffing ratio in certain forms of accommodation — you can imagine what this does to costs .
11 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
12 After every question on oil tankers , he talked about how they started to put passenger ferries safer .
13 She could n't stop thinking about Nicolo , about how he 'd treated her , not just last night but moments before .
14 Sure , right after he 'd made the captain of the vital supplies ship Antares promise never to talk about Heaven 's Gate — he did n't like thinking about how he 'd done that — he 'd called Magrit over a scrambled beam .
15 He could n't wait to get back to the station and brag about how he 'd seen him .
16 And him always bumming on to Derek about how he 'd taped the whole of Brideshead Revisited .
17 ‘ Marius wrote a letter to his son last November — this is a copy of it — complaining in humble terms about how he 'd left himself short by the gift and not taken inflation into account , and would Nigel let him have a small income from various shares and properties ?
18 I do not intend to say much about how he proposes to do this , or about the background in nineteenth-century intellectual history which accounts for his finding the picture attractive .
19 Basking in this praise , he went into considerable technical detail about how he had achieved the effect .
20 He tells me about how he had to leave a Walthamstow pub in embarrassment when he was asked to do some karaoke , and then asked for his autograph .
21 He went through a brief period of chatting to the customers down at the bank about how he had seen someone come back from the dead .
22 ‘ He spoke about how he had appreciated the colleagueship of the Methodist pastor in Crackow and I was then able to say that there were indeed Methodists in Italy and the Protestant Church , although small in number is quite significant , particularly in its work among refugees and migrant workers .
23 He is equally unforthcoming about how he gets written out of Neighbours ; Joe Mangle will be no more in the New Year , but he wo n't reveal how .
24 I know that nothing has ever been proved against the man , but you 've heard the rumours about how he tries to pressurise people . ’
25 Evading questions about how he proposed to resist the will of virtually the whole Arab and international community , he said that Lebanon had not gone through 15 years of civil war , and given thousands of martyrs , for the dishonourable settlement the world was offering .
26 Of course , the truth about how he has done it will probably only emerge in a ghosted autobiography that will cost some newspaper a king 's ransom .
27 In addition , for those involved on a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery , a series of regressions is of great benefit as it brings to light the pattern so far and allows the patient to make decisions about how he intends to progress .
28 One man , Ivan Masterson , talks about how he helped pull people from the rubble and says : ‘ It must have been the second body I helped to take out … it was an awful shock seeing my uncle there with his wife beside him . ’
29 So when Esquire ask for their 2,000 words next month about the connection between the Croatian Winter Olympics team uniform and Public Enemy , or the brutal point of Michael Barrymore , I can somehow contrive it that I end up writing about how it feels waiting for Maddy 's first smile , about the wonder of her 35th day , about her growing up and me growing up .
30 The body is shutting down out of habit , but it 's getting all these confusing messages about how it 's got to stay awake .
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