Example sentences of "about [noun] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I , I have a quandary here cos I 'm not quite sure whether I should be asking a question or proposing something against the deliverance but I have attended and er listened to a number of debates arising out of this matter of er the baptism of children and time and again it 's struck me that it starts off about baptism but it turns out to be a discussion about the parents .
2 Systems theory is a useful way of identifying complex entities , particularly those which have a functional unity and of talking about relationships but it remains at some level of abstraction from reality .
3 To the Marxist historian Michael Chanan the halls were merely ‘ tools of commercial exploitation ’ but a more balanced view would rely on an appreciation of the way in which ‘ live ’ variety revealed as much about showmen as it did about ‘ humanity at large ’ .
4 I think we 're entitled to ask if Nottinghamshire faces those problems , what is peculiar about Leicestershire that it did face those problems but all of a sudden it does n't face those problems .
5 You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea , after a year or two .
6 Other countries have no scruples about subsidies when it comes to keeping workers employed and preserving their skills .
7 What do you feel about banks , do you think they know enough about business when it comes down to it .
8 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
9 Obviously if one does not start from this premise , then the point about the wider range of jobs is no longer relevant ; the belief that degrees are taken in order to get jobs is so much part of the physical science students ' taken-for-granted ideas about education that it remains implicit rather than explicit .
10 I do n't know much about art but it seems so … extreme . ’
11 Food photography is all about presentation and it takes a long time , which is why we have a new home economist on the team .
12 So far the Fed has talked tougher about inflation than it has acted .
13 The trouble with fitness is that it leads to mistakes about evolution because it makes people think in terms of qualitative terms .
14 There is a perfectly respectable case to be made for Irish republicanism , and one which , as it happens , has some penetrating things to say about democracy as it has operated in Northern Ireland .
15 Many of my school friends know hardly anything about sex and it worries them but mum has made it very easy for me to ask questions .
16 And then they want you , I tell you what there 's another thing on television that makes me really laugh is that advert about electricity and it says
17 It is American demands about Cambodia that it dislikes .
18 Ms Gordon said the recruitment agencies were enthusiastic about broking as it meant less time was spent pairing applicants with jobs .
19 That he evidently supposes that a 43-year-old woman , hitherto miserably infertile , could make cod claims on such an issue tells you rather less about Walter than it does about Graham Swannell 's flimsy and opportunistic approach to characterisation .
20 All I need for you to tell me right now is you 're going to commit yourself to this product and I will come round and we 'll sign the contract , all the stuff you told him , then we 'll talk about copy and it does n't cost you anything .
21 Labour was moving on as a renewed party — ‘ a party that cares as much about consumers as it cares about producers ; a party that wants to make the economy work as much as it wants to change the economy ; a party that embraces as much of the green as it does of the red ’ .
22 But it must be recognized that to teach about Christianity though it entails teaching about Christian doctrine , with the gospels and at least part of the Old Testament as the source and background of that doctrine , in no sense involves proselytizing .
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