Example sentences of "could just [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Feeling quite ill and willing himself not to look down , he stretched up and found that he could just reach the circular window .
2 mm , could just drink a nice cup of tea
3 Right who 's got any well if you could just move a little bit closer .
4 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
5 I wonder if you could just explain the consistent parts of that figure ?
6 Although an opinion poll last week suggested they could just secure the required number of seats , the tide is expected to turn against them in the course of a three-week campaign .
7 If I could just make a brief point on employment .
8 She found she could just catch a direct Finnair flight if she hurried .
9 ‘ Socialistic ’ rather than socialist , he tells himself he would belong to a political party if he could just find the right one to join .
10 ‘ If I could just have a wholemeal loaf and the papers … and I need a tin of tomatoes and half a dozen eggs . ’
11 With Copsey and Gareth Llewellyn improving all the time , we could just have a bright future ahead of us .
12 At first I saw nothing , then as I watched I could just discern a faint nodding of the head .
13 Peering into the night we could just discern the gaping portals of tombs in the rock faces .
14 Straining his eyes , Faisal could just see a tiny cluster of lights where the colonies were rising above the hidden bulk of Africa .
15 The moon was low now , and there was not much light , but I could just see a small group of men on horses .
16 Asik heard a rumbling noise and he could just see a small cloud of dust appearing in the distance .
17 Behind them , he could just see the small wooden houses and the deep green leaves of the coconut trees , which were moving lazily in the soft afternoon wind .
18 Beyond the wild-tangle of flowers I could just see the upper storey of the house , grey stone with tall sashed windows and a roof of grey slate with its unsmoking chimney stacks .
19 She could just see the raised eyebrows , the exchange of bemused glances , and the shrugs which said , So what ? before they politely but firmly showed her the door .
20 We could just see the hazy point where , in that August of 1883 , the Dutch administrator of south Sumatra and his family had observed the tidal wave rise inexorably 150 feet right up to the veranda of his residence , pause , and withdraw again , taking some of his flowerpots , half the hillside , and the entire town with its population of some 800 people .
21 She could just see the mute grey head from the deckchair under the tree .
22 The US Congress has dreamed up the Mary Whitehouse chip , a circuit that the television industry would be required to build into television sets , enabling parents to block out programmes coded for violent content : according to Associated Press , the chip was thought up by Representative Edward Markey , a Democrat from Massachusetts and chairman of the House Energy & Commerce subcommittee on telecommunications — the parent could just push the v-block button on the remote control and keep violent programming out of the home , ’ he said reckoning that if only 10% or 15% of all homes started blocking programmes , broadcasters and advertisers would soon get the message .
23 He could just read the faded inscription painted above the window : Glynn 's Circulating Library .
24 But from a dis if I could just get a good you know one of these really warm days .
25 If the wind died for just a moment ; if she could just get a clear sight of the cockpit …
26 Oh actually sorry , if I could just add a little bit to that .
27 You , you did promise me Mr Chairman , that I could just ask a quick question .
28 Straining his ears , he could just hear a metallic scratching noise .
29 Nobody passed by for a long time , and he could just hear the faint music in the distance .
30 She could just imagine the scathing looks with which Mrs Josephine MacDonald , the president of the Noble Order of Lady Queen Bees , would have regarded it .
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