Example sentences of "could n't [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Lydia thought moodily that she could n't hope to be as boring as Dr Wyn if she tried all night .
2 I thought we 'd been getting on pretty well but as Father 's Day approached , Joe made it clear that I could n't hope to be any more than just second best
3 The furthest section of the aquarium is a mass of caves and rockwork and there 's so much activity that you could n't fail to be entranced , whether you 're a cichlid fan or not .
4 ‘ I could n't fail to be , could I ? ’
5 ‘ I could n't stand to be there .
6 But at the moments you wish you were shot of the whole thing you know perfectly well that it 's precisely because you could n't endure to be without it , now you know about it , that you 've got to go through all this .
7 But still he could n't cope with being only ordinary .
8 He backed away from her in mock fear , but he was still laughing at her and though she meant every word , she could n't continue to be angry with him .
9 He could n't continue to be so churlish in the face of Betty 's open-hearted goodwill .
10 He could n't admit to being afraid of a breath of air .
11 I could n't bear to be married if I had n't … ‘
12 ‘ In the end I could n't bear to be anywhere else , ’ she said , and added that if such practices had been going on in the islands as were alleged , everyone would have known about them .
13 The couple had just got married and could n't bear to be apart .
14 At the time I could n't bear to be parted from my new little owl .
15 I could n't bear to be in its thrall for another day .
16 He just nodded as if he did n't want to speak , and then at the bottom ( it was vanity , I could n't bear to be lumped with Caroline ) I said , I 'm sorry my aunt said that at Kenwood .
17 How could I have possibly explained without hurting you that I could n't bear to be near you , because you no longer felt like my mother ?
18 Marion whispered and turned away because she could n't bear to be there when something died , when all the love that she had bottled up inside herself evaporated like liquid left out in the sun .
19 ‘ I could n't bear to be separated from Jeff for three weeks .
20 And I could n't bear to be with women I did like because it reminded me forcibly that they did n't turn me on . ’
21 That meant she could n't bear to be touched .
22 no I 'm not no when I am I ca n't eat anything , if I was like that I just could n't bear to be even in the same room as anybody who 's eating , so no the urge of chocolate is possibly to do with fat
23 She could n't pretend to be sophisticated and flippant and terribly cool any more .
24 I could n't seem to be bothered to move .
25 We could n't claim to be anything else ; we could n't speak for the families of Terry Waite or Brian Keenan .
26 Zambia was not a squeamish person — could n't afford to be — but there were limits .
27 He knew that , ultimately , he had to toe the official line because , like any other player , he could n't afford to be put on the dole . ’
28 He could n't afford to be spending his time here .
29 But , as he drew the car up outside her hotel and turned to look at her , Fabia knew that she could n't afford to be infuriated .
30 But she could n't afford to be angry — or to offend him again , she realised , and took a deep and calming breath .
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