Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Carbon dioxide could be rendered harmless as a greenhouse gas by pumping it into the sea , according to consultant physicist Raymond Harrowell .
2 The judge at first instance invoked the wardship powers of the court to protect the girl : he weighed her interests against that of the publishers , and concluded that the balance came down in favour of restraining publication , since the book could be rendered harmless by excising a few paragraphs .
3 If this is so , then these facilities are urgently needed , because it is intended to produce the revised OED in serial form , which means that forward cross-references could be rendered incorrect by revisions undertaken after the fascicles in which the cross-references appear had been published .
4 But BBC officials are waking up to the fact that , while they have been allocated both of Britain 's channels for high-power satellite broadcasts , the kind that could be received direct into people 's homes , they have no monopoly on low-power transmissions from satellites , the kind that could be picked up by central receiving stations — and transmitted via cable to homes .
5 The little accessories and pieces of clothing can be adapted as you wish , and perhaps could be made relevant to the birthday boy or girl and guests .
6 tried to inaugurate a new concept of citizenship which would link men of different social classes , The concept was based upon the notion that there was a good common to members of all classes , a goal the existence of which could be established from German Idealist metaphysics and which could be made visible in actual measures of educational reform and social welfare .
7 Carl Sagan , the distinguished astrophysicist , suggested in 1961 that Venus could be made habitable to earthlings if it were seeded with blue-green algae , which would split up the carbon and oxygen molecules to glean the carbon necessary for the glucose and carbohydrate diets they would need .
8 In agriculture , biotechnology may have a major impact on crop yields — the yield from cassava in Africa could be quadrupled if the plant could be made resistant to African cassava mosaic virus .
9 The Court of Appeal doubted the validity of trespass ab initio , as it meant that lawful acts could be made unlawful by subsequent events and the lawfulness of an act should be judged at the time it took place .
10 The leader of the Authority , Mr Neil Fletcher , claims that up to twelve senior appointments in each of the thirteen boroughs could be made subject to the Secretary of State 's veto .
11 Land which was sold could be made subject to restrictions and future development value could be reserved to the commission .
12 It could be made consistent with the Maastricht treaty ; a broader EMU could gradually evolve .
13 If it was restored , its recording facilities could be improved and it could be made suitable for public use .
14 It is to these triumphs , some of which could be made intelligible to laymen while others remained obscure , that we shall now turn , looking first at the discoveries rather than at their reception outside the scientific community .
15 She believed cheap clothes could be made elegant by paring them down to essentials .
16 Bombers could be made invisible to radar , maintained an American author in New Scientist , the issue also carrying a discussion of what scientists could do to halt development of more appalling weapons even than those in existence .
17 But we are aware that many ex-shipyard workers are engaged in some very routine work , and that many of them feel they could be made redundant at any moment .
18 Almost a quarter of Galway 's manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job and local business leaders say that up to 2,000 more could be made redundant by the ripple effect hitting Digital 's contractors and suppliers .
19 The Conservatives ' strategy of holding back the state pension on the ground that the deficit could be made good by additional private sector pensions has been blown out of the water , not least by the vulnerability of occupational pensions which we have witnessed recently and by the under-performance and the milking of private pension schemes themselves .
20 Perhaps if you were able to identify a particular topic a relevant report could be made available to you .
21 Then that money could be made available to areas in Scotland where coal mining has contracted , such as Midlothian .
22 According to a report to today 's meeting the course could be made available to nine secondary schools in Darlington .
23 Farmers were evacuated so that their land could be made available for Japanese immigrants or industrial concerns ; labour conscription was widespread .
24 The finished suite of leaflets could be made available for sale as a publication in its own right .
25 Exemplar assessments could be made available for students to study in order to give guidance on what is expected .
26 Er and I , as Mr Curtis has suggested , if Mr Shepherd who conducted the greenbelt local plan enquiry decided on massive relaxation or substantial relaxation on the inner boundary , er of the greenbelt , er and the implication being that er some of that land could be made available for housing , then yes , as a matter of principal that would cast doubt on the new settlement er strategy in terms of the in terms of the numbers , conversely , if you look at another option , if you , for example , confirmed the new settlement strategy but thought that the development requirement for Greater York really was er needed to be larger than nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , twelve thousand , thirteen thousand , and I hope not , then the County Council would need to have a look at the issue of one as opposed to two new settlements , and again we will do that , and we will not take any decisions on the basis of having one report , er but not another , and I hope er that that is helpful , I can confirm that er at the end of this month the Greater York authorities will be meeting , erm and er they will be urgently looking towards erm progress erm on this issue .
27 It suggests that huge amounts of extra money could be made available for the homeless , improving the condition of houses and tackling the growing shortage of affordable homes for rent if local housing companies were created .
28 In either case welfare reports could be made available through the international service .
29 In addition , a further SDR21,000,000 ( about US$28,000,000 ) could be made available under the contingency window of the IMF 's compensatory and contingency financing facility ( CCFF ) , and SDR33,600,000 ( about US$45,000,000 ) were being made available immediately from the CCFF .
30 In the Navigation 's case the ground floor food preparation area was obtained by converting an old-fashioned and unwanted small private bar : similar areas suitable for conversion can not be guaranteed in more than 50 per cent of the units , though equivalent areas could be made available in the remainder through ‘ building out ’ .
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