Example sentences of "could not [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Could not he have arranged for that report to be leaked to the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) , because that might have prevented the hon. Gentleman from making the foolish pledge that Labour will abolish the excellent reforms ?
2 Could n't they have waited just another couple of weeks until he had officially retired at the end of the month ?
3 The Middle East is still suffering from the consequences of Jewish beastliness ( why could n't they have waited to be attacked first , like gents ? ) , including what someone euphemistically described as the ‘ re-unification ’ of Jerusalem .
4 Could n't they have waited a bit longer after the expense of Christmas ?
5 I rue the day these wretched Titfords ever came to live down here — could n't they have stayed over in Wilmington Square ?
6 Could n't they have done something ?
7 ‘ Even the recent drop begs the question if they can do all this in a month or two , why could n't they have done it before . ’
8 but my argument was why could n't they have done that last Friday ?
9 ( Why could n't we have done it properly ? )
10 I 'm often asked ‘ Could n't we have done this ourselves without Doctus ? ’
11 Why could n't we have stayed there ? ’
12 Could n't you have landed someone a bit more … ’
13 ‘ Why could n't you have cast Dara in this role of your girlfriend ?
14 I sat in the back with Rayleen ( could n't you have guessed ? ) and she made me put my right hand in her lap while she ran her fingertips over most of the rest of my body looking for other injuries .
15 Could n't you have made the boy into an ordinary thief , and then got him arrested and sent out of the country for the rest of his life ? ’
16 Could n't you have kept quiet ? ’
17 Could n't you have kept him out of the way ? ’
18 ‘ Why could n't you have waited until your mother was home to ask me all these things ?
19 ‘ For God 's sake , Elizabeth , if you must go rushing off to protest meetings , could n't you have done your protesting there , and let the rest of us sleep in peace ? ’
20 Could n't you have done something … ’
21 come Saturday they 'd rearranged the whole ward and they put him on a W R V S air bed , he were in heaven on this bed , I said why the fuck could n't you have done that earlier ?
22 Could n't you have talked your way out of trouble like most people with any sense ? ’
23 And when I appeared a bit scruffy on Jonathan Ross , she said ‘ could n't you have put a shirt on ? ’ ’
24 Could n't you have put the blue nearer the middle cos I 'm getting annoyed .
25 Could n't you have come to me and told me that you were in debt , that you needed money ?
26 Could n't you have left her down there with that woman friend ? ’
27 Could n't you have left it till after the show ? ’ demanded the dark woman .
28 Could n't you have left well alone !
29 could n't you have taken it when I , you know , when I was n't actually er
30 ‘ Well , could n't you have sold a few of those ? ’
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