Example sentences of "could have [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I could 've done with that !
2 I could 've run with that .
3 they perhaps could 've gone towards more
4 Erm also the accountant you could 've tried to of got round because you were , you were digging the hole there erm you know where he 's , okay he wants to see the accountant , will this be a good idea I mean you could 've said yeah you know you appreciate that and all the rest of it and you could 've gone more into the tax side of where you , you know , you could 've perhaps er the company could 've benefited by putting some into the pension scheme as opposed erm paying all the taxes maybe you could 've gone in that way .
5 Well I could 've bought with that
6 Now then , if the council could , could 've come to some agreement and put in there , it would of made it right for us , now , you see we 've done so before , this is what I do n't like about he , he applies for planning permission does er the notice was no bigger than six inches long and four
7 This inclination today is 5.15° , and no convincing explanation has yet been found of how the inclination could have increased to this value from about 0° 4600 Ma ago .
8 By the end of the struggle France had lost almost every single colonial possession she had , so that French imperial history had to begin all over again in the nineteenth century , but nobody in 1690 could have guessed at such a result .
9 Opposite him , he noticed that Janet Roscoe had delved once more into the deep handbag , this time producing a very slim volume , whose title it was impossible for him not to see , and which he could have guessed in any case : CHAUCER , Tale of the Wyf of Bathe .
10 His hobby is fishing and do-it-yourself things and he 'll just go out and buy the tools and I think , ‘ Oh that money , what I could have done with that money ! ’
11 Immediately , Lalage knew just what she could have done with that masterpiece in satin .
12 I could have done with that on the wall in , on my landing .
13 I hope I could have done with that
14 Earth could have done with some , deceptive or not .
15 HOW we could have done with some frogs ' legs among the dire fare served up for national consumption at Stamford Bridge yesterday .
16 But this dark , draining story , which could have done with some cheerier moments , is a lot more stylish than that .
17 I think we sho we could have done with some time to look at it really .
18 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
19 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
20 It was difficult to make sure I had taken the right things but not too much and I found I could have done with less .
21 Pearce could have done with more than the seven years he had at British Aerospace to achieve the kind of management culture he would have liked to have bequeathed to the company .
22 The three-times world champion has a good tale to tell and , while the format could have done with more meat on the bones , this volume certainly does not pull any punches .
23 Luke could have done with more help , but Umberto had barricaded himself into the tack room with another bottle .
24 Er we could have done with cars , he says , what are they bringing out this silly thing when we could have done with more cars you know .
25 I think Teresa felt very much as well that she could have done with more training on target setting and things like that .
26 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
27 Yeah , we could have done without all this bloody hassle down there .
28 I could have done without that , she thought , and the short-cut past the farm .
29 She personally could have done without that sort of luck .
30 ‘ I could have done without this , ’ she said , and then she got into the truck .
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