Example sentences of "could [not/n't] even [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Tennyson ; now there , I thought , was one of the really honourable exceptions to the rule , never failing , never fading even in old age , while I , at twenty-seven , could not even finish a lyric that had seemed , only a short while ago , to be moving inevitably towards the final tonic chord .
2 By 1992 , the League could not even attract a sponsor , and it seems that , sooner or later , British Sky Broadcasting will also forfeit its input .
3 Forty-five per cent of this group said that they could not even make a guess at the likely interest rate .
4 She could not help reflecting , as she pushed a magazine into the first letter box , that a world in which Daimler drivers could pay four hundred thousand pounds for a country house while she could not even muster a couple of hundred for Luke 's modest share of an old transit van had a certain imbalance to it .
5 Cellars sprouting fungus from every dripping crevice , where those who could not even afford a place on an upstairs mattress paid a penny to sleep standing up like horses , leaning against a rope which would be simply untied the next morning when the landlord considered they had slept long enough .
6 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
7 I could not even say a prayer .
8 I could n't always swi , I could n't even switch a light till
9 She could n't even feel a pulse when she laid two fingers beneath the angle of his jaw .
10 Do me a favour , Webley could n't even pass a mug of tea across the counter last season , let alone pass a ball .
11 He was a mental , could n't even speak a threepenny bit . ’
12 ND and CD could n't even reach a first-innings decision at Hamilton .
13 At one stage , I could n't even pay a medical bill for one of the children .
14 He could n't even ask a reasonable question without making it sound like an insult !
15 It was absurd that Norman Ward Westerman and Lord Boddy should listen with real deference to his views on Halifax , while at home he could n't even get a hearing from his own wife .
16 " Great pity we could n't even get a glimpse of her .
17 He referred to a dinner given in honour of A. R. Orage , the retiring editor whom Philip Mairet was to replace , which was of inordinate length and at which there were interminable speeches , and where — this was represented as the ultimate horror , uttered in the tones of a cri de coeur — ‘ you could n't even get a drink ! ’
18 Anyway , ’ she added with a rueful look , ‘ I could n't even get a cup of tea .
19 Which I could n't even remember a German reporter .
20 Women who preferred who preferred traditional methods of sanitary protection either had to stand in long queues in order to buy just one or two towels you could n't even buy a packet , you could just buy one or two or make do with other methods .
21 ‘ I could n't even have a separation because I know what damage that does to the children and I would never , never , never break up the home for their sake . ’
22 I would n't begin to know how to sail those luggers or caiques , in fact I could n't even sail a dinghy if you paid me .
23 I could n't even use a tin-opener . ’
24 You could n't even fill a phone box .
25 The strawberry jam she 'd made had n't set , she could n't even take a telephone message .
26 Could n't even take a joke .
27 ‘ They 've torn the place to pieces and could n't even find a handbag .
28 Employees can influence profit through productivity and customer-orientation , but have no control over idiot executives who invest in crazy schemes and could n't even market a doughnut .
29 You could n't even hear a gun go off next door .
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