Example sentences of "could [not/n't] take [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The law , the most draconian to have been passed by any mainland state , could not take immediate effect because it conflicted with the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision — the foundation of legalized abortion in the USA .
2 Though Dr Runcie and his party could not take Holy Communion at the papal mass , he had earlier celebrated the eucharist at the Anglican church in Rome after three demonstrators rose from the congregation as he ascended the pulpit ; the visit has been dogged by protests from supporters of the Rev Ian Paisley .
3 He could not take more time off .
4 It would be hard to see how communication could take place if we could not take some sort of mutually shared knowledge for granted , if every discourse had to begin from scratch .
5 If you 're the sort of person who thinks that Parliamentary democracy is a reasonably important thing , you could n't take much pleasure from the findings of the enquiry into the way Rover was sold off .
6 It could n't take one cylinder of it
7 She had hesitated but he could n't take that hesitation as a refusal .
8 I actually advised him at the meeting that he should not and could n't take that motion , and I was by Alderman in that situation , but he still deemed to go ahead and that 's p his prerogative .
9 Anyhow I just could n't take another week like this again .
10 When she could n't take another step she turned and looked behind her .
11 She could n't take any man seriously — or at least not one she 'd yet met .
12 At that stage in my life I could n't take any kind of failure , and so this latter model of womanhood was as unacceptable to me as the former .
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