Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We group them into species merely as a convenience ; if we did not do so , we could not give them names : hence ‘ nominalism ’ .
2 Town councillor Fred Morris said : ‘ They could not give us hope .
3 Mr Saegusa 's first instinct was to refuse ; he thought he could not do it justice .
4 Kathmandu : THE PRINCESS of Wales strained her ankle yesterday on a pebbly path in Nepal 's Himalayan foothills — but went on to tease puffing press photographers who still could not match her pace.The Princess walked briskly through the rough , rocky terrain on a walkabout during the second day of her solo visit to Nepal.After straining her ankle on a pebbled road in Dharan in eastern Nepal she began to limp slightly , but her pace still left Overseas Development Minister Baroness Chalker and several photographers gasping for breath.The Princess could not resist the temptation to chide them .
5 He kept calling me James ; somehow I could not call him Alec .
6 But at that time the PR mentality ( one could not call it mind ) was new to her .
7 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
8 Another unemployed woman with an epileptic six-year-old could n't pay her £33 telephone bill .
9 ‘ Because he could n't give me names , only descriptions .
10 As I did n't know where Frank was and I could n't give them Alec Reynolds 's address , the Plod soon lost interest in me .
11 Perhaps that was why it was being taken away from me ; I could n't do it justice .
12 And if you said , draw me a picture of a typical sentence , they could n't do it sort of , noun , verb , and probably another noun .
13 They could n't harm him face to face .
14 Jack liked him but he did n't love him yet and could n't call him dad .
15 Went out for the day yesterday , could n't afford it Irene .
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