Example sentences of "could [vb infin] a [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Philip of Valois 's claim , however , had the virtues of clarity and logic , whereas Edward 's claim , as French lawyers pointed out at the time and French historians have not hesitated to remark since , rested on the unsatisfactory assumption that a woman could transmit a right which she could not exercise .
2 But I 'm sure if they could make a profit they would .
3 One question which was raised was whether the term illegal entrant could cover a person who had obtained leave to enter by deception or fraud , as well as a person who had entered by clandestine means .
4 As well as investigating lists and potential backers , consider if there are way in which you could instigate a residency which would match your particular skills and expectations to the benefits , tangible or otherwise , for a particular firm or organisation .
5 Even the teachers hated me ; one — a Miss McKeller — found some reason to lay the strap across my hands every day , and within a month I was stammering so badly no one could understand a word I said .
6 Similarly , the defendant could render the case ineffective by giving or arranging for skilful testimony in his defence , or he could file a counter-case which , if successful , would result in the punishment of the original complainant .
7 They could remember a world which they had known and recognized compared to the fragmentation of their work and lives that they were now experiencing .
8 The painting of the giant could become a picture which is going to be used to show a sceptical researcher ( the teacher in role ? ) how big the giant really is — necessarily demanding that the child thinks about the concept of scale .
9 Or you could use a text which has been translated from one medium into another .
10 You know we , we , we could spend , we could spend a month I know there 's a lot of figures floating around
11 I had never been a member of the Labour Party , and on the first occasion when I could claim a vote I voted for the Liberal candidate in the Hampstead constituency .
12 The government 's decision to impose VAT at 8pc in 1994 and at the standard rate of 17pc 12 months later could reverse a trend which has seen customer disconnections fall by 70 pc in the past 12 months and Manweb said only six customers were disconnected for non payment in the past six months .
13 It was not only Virgin 's reputation that was being challenged — Branson had no doubt that the contract signed with Sting was fair ; but if a court ruled otherwise it could set a precedent which other acts , and their lawyers , would be looking to exploit .
14 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
15 And then I could have a pension which would be seven thousand six hundred and seventy three pounds a year which is about a hundred and twenty pounds
16 think , think you are too mum , you , you could have a son who is taking drugs , who was doing all sorts of in crime and joyriding
17 A cricket rep could have a sales one , but probably not one for sale ! ( 5 )
18 The opportunity to do so did not arise until Racedown was offered to them six years later , by which time Wordsworth could contemplate a life whose course , since his Norfolk visit , had done much to shape his political and poetic character , and had left him with more than a little to repent .
19 further considered that there was no advantage , and some disadvantage , in reassembling the court so that the jury could re-hear a passage which had already been played in open court .
20 You could tell a broiler what they call them er fowls .
21 If those knees could tell a story it would probably be an angry diatribe against the paparazzi .
22 He said : ‘ I was outraged they thought they could tell a bookseller what to do .
23 He had gone early , before it was too unbearably hot , to see if he could obtain a newspaper which might tell him what was happening .
24 One bad report could lose a girl her badge .
25 Q I 'd be truly grateful if you could solve a problem which is beginning to drive me nuts .
26 After 1714 the balance shifted to a point where the King and the Commons had something like mutual vetoes : the King chose the ministers and could normally be sure of not having to put up with a minister he disliked , but the Commons could reject a minister they disliked by refusing to vote for the taxes he proposed , thus pushing the King into dismissing him .
27 That 's why she 's asked me to do it , but like I said to mum you know , I 'm not gon na say to her , oh yeah I 'll do it whenever you want , I 'll say like they 're gon na do this extra course on Wednesday nights and she said , like unless she could get a baby-sitter she could n't go which is the reason I 'm doing it .
28 But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly .
29 Botha converted , and not even Tony Underwood 's marvellous late try could rescue a game which left everyone breathless .
30 Tomorrow I should think you the batteries you we could open a factory I would think
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