Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Considering they had also beaten New South Wales convincingly they could justifiably claim to be the top provincial side around .
2 At least this time he could justifiably claim to be doing so in a higher cause than that of his own political survival .
3 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
4 Jesus was describing a fulfilled life which could only grow to be better and better .
5 His line was that he 'd lost contact with Malcolm because he could only stand to be with him for so long at a stretch .
6 But I could only attain to be thrilled and enchanted , as by the sound of a strain of music dying away .
7 He was an ex-barrister , a very live wire , who could justly claim to be the founder of the present vastly expanded business .
8 The child 's own feelings were split between mortification at a christening that doomed him to live out for good a pun that he could already see to be gruesome and pride that his father had cared for him enough to embed him into his act by the very roots of his name .
9 Baldersdale was largely unaffected by contact with outside influences — to travel further than Barnard Castle , a prim and pretty little market town which could scarcely claim to be cosmopolitan , was virtually unheard of and such visitors as there were never stayed long enough to impart revolutionary new ways and ideas .
10 Their squad could just prove to be too big , ie Ferguson may not know who to pick .
11 He was stationed in an old chapel in Chuckery because the Americans once they 'd started they were putting them everywhere or anywhere they could just get to be with them before V Day they were even in little chapels , churches , outhouses anywhere they could possibly and there were guns and bits of trucks on every spot of land where they could get them the er , I 'm getting out of context I was just thinking about a tank , a First World War tank that they used to have those as well in the field gun in the er arboretum which were disappeared soon after the war they went for scrap and they came and they used , people used to have a lot of wrought iron railings as well they took those as well they came along with burners and went off to the war effort , but er like I say the Americans and of course as kids they were very generous with kids and we absolutely loved them .
12 The hidden agenda could easily appear to be that " our drama is the least important thing in the school " .
13 Hooker 's was a name which could hardly fail to be included on the list of those whom the Church wished to commemorate in 1980 .
14 Similarly , the girls in the scheme could hardly fail to be aware of eyes on them , and of their success in mathematics being of importance to significant others .
15 Kate could hardly fail to be aware that Ace was now reliving the past .
16 Muggers who decided to phase out mugging by 1993 could hardly expect to be let off , yet the UK expected to go on breaking the law with impunity .
17 The men themselves could hardly bear to be above ground ; at least down below they had each other .
18 She could hardly bear to be contradicted , and no good mother , in my mother 's view , would send her child to stay with a daft person .
19 Or perhaps she thought she could always pretend to be a relative and come and claim me from the hospital .
20 But a forgery could always claim to be written by Moses in the same terms as an authentic Mosaic document .
21 But Knox could always afford to be a great deal more cavalier about the dangers of rebellion against established authority than those who , being themselves great lords who ruled over men , knew very well the chaos which could result if the bonds of obedience and loyalty were violently broken .
22 The holder of three scientific degrees — from Oxford , UCLA and MIT , all summa cum laude — in electrical engineering and electronics , Denholm was as close to being an electronics wizard as any man could ever hope to be .
23 The consequence was inertia ; no controversial issue could ever hope to be resolved satisfactorily , so governments , preoccupied with survival , merely tended to forget about them or postpone them to some indeterminate future date .
24 He was as certain of his audience as any man could ever hope to be .
25 So she gazed and her finger traced the outlines of nymphs — thinner , higher cheek-boned than she could ever hope to be , garlanded with flowers , stepping barefoot through the forest ; and sometimes she saw an exhausted Venus , a hand below her belly , lying in a countryside where oxen were driven and ships set sail on uncharted seas .
26 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
27 Certainly no list could ever claim to be exhaustive and complete .
28 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
29 From there the single line emerged onto the road , and along one side of it the train to West Cork would puff and blow at a brisk but not incautious pace , its smoke staining the leaves of the roadside trees , the guard ringing his bell almost without stop until they were approaching Carrigrohane and could reasonably expect to be out of range of busy pedestrians , excited children , and messenger boys on bicycles plaguing the engine-driver by trying to outspeed him .
30 The remark was tinged with the suggestion that she would like a witness , apart from Marshall whom she could reasonably assume to be biased in Wickham 's favour .
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