Example sentences of "could [be] see [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The initiative in theology in the closing years of Troeltsch 's life was already passing to those who held that it was not , and that the whole direction of thought which could be seen as culminating in him needed to be put into reverse .
2 Reading this group of sonnets is to be reminded of the noble conclusion to the first book of Bacon 's Advancement of Learning : In describing his Friend as my love or He the Poet could be seen as using the third-person form in order to place him apart , perhaps to place him outside the sphere of time 's influence .
3 They could only accept evolution if it were a process that gave rise to regular , predictable developments in accordance with some preordained plan that could be seen as originating in the mind of God .
4 At that time local authorities could be seen as acting in the interests of the majority — the phrase from the last paragraph of the 1978 extract from the Library Association record above ( omitted from the 1989 policy statement ) ‘ either on grounds of … a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality' suggests so .
5 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
6 By analogy , Riley 's paintings could be seen as operating within similar parameters : the coincidence of colour with a certain geometrical ordering re-enacts the function of myth .
7 For in accepting that age and , more importantly , insanity could influence the degree of individuals ' responsibility for their actions it was also accepting that in some cases , and to some extent at least , human actions could be seen as determined .
8 The concept of professional autonomy could be seen as militating against recognition of the need to manage motivation or to engage in systematic development .
9 The aphids of Chapter 10 could be seen as paying out nectar to hire professional bodyguards .
10 Papal troops in south Italy could be seen as protecting Frederick II 's rights .
11 On the level of social meaning , the transition could be seen as associated with the move from a period dominated by the modernist critique of mass culture to the period of ‘ post-modernism ’ .
12 Applications to the panel by auditors might be equally rare , since these could be seen as acknowledging a failure to establish an effective ( and durable ) professional relationship .
13 The judges were certainly aware that with such an arrangement , they could be seen as having ignored the merits of the designs and the practicalities of execution , and attempted to explain their position in their report to Hall .
14 He also could be seen as having secured the continuation of his private office at No. 4 Parliament Street , when the block of buildings between King Street and Parliament Street was omitted from the Act .
15 This applies equally to the way we use which could be seen as having three distinct roles , depending on the learner level it is used at .
16 Similarly , one could not satisfactorily analyse modalism in rock music without also dealing with the decline of modal folk song , in its traditional social contexts ; the urban folk revival ; the use of modal techniques by elite composers , and the ‘ discovery ’ of modal medieval and renaissance music ; the commodification of major-minor tonality by Tin Pan Alley and Hollywood , against which modalism could be seen as ‘ exotic ’ or ‘ primitive ’ ; the internationalization of capital bringing , through American cultural imperialism , the influence of modal Afro-American musics which , at the same time , could be seen as offering a potential for critique vis-à-vis the dominant , major-minor musical language ; and so on .
17 The graphic EQ offers another range of tone control over the Carvin and , being switchable , could be seen as adding an extra channel .
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