Example sentences of "could [verb] a way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many of them had had sex with other gays , but few of them had accepted that you could make a way of life out of it .
2 There should also be more investment in counselling for unwillingly pregnant women , more support for the lone mother who would keep her pregnancy if she could see a way of coping , and fewer politicians using our bodies as debating points to be scored over opponents .
3 In her limited understanding , she could see a way to the upper strata of Arcady society and beyond it to the stars .
4 Director Alvin Rakoff had problems with Crawford when it came to a crucial , very dramatic scene that he shared with Donald Pleasence , who was playing the police officer who could see a way to nailing the crook whom he had been trying to get for twenty years through his son .
5 Little is known about the causes of the problem , though a new study of receptors on blood platelets has suggested a possible mechanism , and could provide a way of predicting those women who will suffer postnatal depression .
6 If any genes of an organism , such as a human , could discover a way of spreading themselves that did not depend on the conventional sperm of egg route , they would take it and be less cooperative .
7 The man ( if it was a man ) was probably a fairly junior member of the firm ; if only Henry could find a way of getting past him to the people really in the driving seat .
8 Er if we could find a way of getting him there , I think it would be worthwhile .
9 If two people had some disagreement she could find a way of softening that situation .
10 Cancer was diagnosed only eight months earlier , and Madeleine held a strong conviction she could find a way of helping in her own healing .
11 If only she would join with him now , perhaps together they could find a way through this terrible situation .
12 You 'd have thought anybody with two brain cells to rub together and a spark of wit could find a way past Mike Read and Phil Collins .
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